Key Manager Plus?
Can MS not just purchase Key Manager Plus from Zoho or similar?
Yes certificate renewal can be a manual job.
I suspect in Microsofts case it may be multiple levels of change control causing missing a expiry date.
99 publicly visible posts • joined 28 May 2007
So you need to monitor your DCs for events from legacy clients. But you need to do this for 30 days to catch any computer password resets. If the August patches didn't reach your DCs until late August as Microsoft like breaking things (Server 2016 and security options in secpol this month). You still need to wait to turn on enforcement mode or exclude some computers.
Increase funding. Raise support staff pay (and numbers) particaulary IT Support which is being outsourced and strectched due to budget cuts. The increase in tasks that teachers and support staff have to do thanks to the government means more people power is need not less. Theres no easy fix with technology. The level of IT confidence is quite suprising. People storing emails in "Deleted Items" or not doing email alltogether and missing out on vital information. 10 year old PCs in use to deliver lessons, IT Staff taking on more device management iPads etc but no time to proactively maintain the environment. Funding needs to be in line with inflation.
"I did think it was a little unwise – foolish even,” I say. “But then this is exactly how I felt before they got us to install Vista on people's desktops – AND Windows 8 – and we still did that. And it's exactly how I would have felt if someone had suggested that people bring their own devices in to use for work purposes."
1. Don't have a single point of failure.
2. Stop overcharging.
3. Stop charging to call the support line.
4. Buy some Helpdesk software and make it possible for customers to submit a ticket. Provide SLAs.
5. Provide text updates to affected customers with a ETA.
6. Don't ignore social media. It can be a great marketing tool.
7. Don't ignore complaints.
If they were to split. It would be a good thing, hopefully not a vista/8 again. Though when you spend a lot of time with m$ stuff you realise the different product groups almost behave like little companies. The adk can't be bundled with sccm? Shared excel files don't work on a dfs share.
XP needs to go. Its 12 years old. UAC does actually make the os more secure. The biggest problem is a) cost, win 7 licencing etc. B) support for older equipment / software. For most orgs linux is not a viable option as they need to run autocad, photoshop etc. There has to be cut off at some point.
Apart from money, its software that was badly written, poorly packaged. Or do stupid things like write to program files or worse the windows folder. 7 will run fine on a core 2 duo with 2gb of ram. If your lowest spec is lower than this the performance would be poor even on xp.
Been the case since sp3. XP is dead move on. Most of the issues are software poorly written and/or packaged. I agree win 8 is a no go. 7 seems fairly stable now. It takes a day to do a build and capture of 7 all those .net updates. I dread to think how long xp would take.