reading the article on Safari-for-windoze, I'd say that's a good place to place the name iBomb..
52 publicly visible posts • joined 28 May 2007
to see how, exactly, this is going to work. In South Africa we have no ITMS and, legend/rumour has it this wont change any time soon (local pigopolists own the music rights).
So how will we do all the necessary things to our fancy-schmancy iphones without the blessed/cursed ITMS?
One wonders indeed.
I dig my macs (all three of them) - they do all I want quickly, quietly and efficiently. But they're by no means perfect.
Safari suck piles in the worst possible way. I can not use it at work because it won't play ball with an ISA proxy. It half loads pages then crashes.
The same happens with Safari for 'doze.
So - like all things, I keep the bits I like (pretty much most of the Mac OS) and ditch the rest.
Also, I dunno how the software updater runs on 'doze, but in OS X you look what's being offered, choose what you want and de-select everything else. How hard is that?
Actually, I backup the mac's in the house (3 of them - no problems, despite all the, er, apparently thousands of web pages telling me I should have (sorry about that Webster - perhaps I should start poking around with a screwdriver or something? Would that make you happy?)) to an external drive mounted on a mac mini and shared across both wired and wireless networking
I've set up time machine on all of them, and it works just fine.
I'm curious - why do people compare the Air with PC's like this.
As a Mac user, the issue for me, with this Tosh is not the hardware but the OS that'll run on it.
I know, I know, the windows faithful (most of you) and the insane (step forward Webster) will rail against me for that, but *shrug* it's not apples for apples.
for me, OS X is better. For 96% of you, it's not - windows is. So be it.
But don't compare the hardware when it's actually the OS that matters.
My wireless router sits behind a dedicated BSD security box, it runs WPA2, has no default anything, and I change the passwords randomly (but often).
The BSD box will only accept connections from known Mac / IP combinations and anyway, logs all traffic and connections/attempts. I get a graph in my inbox every morning with all usage.
And then, if you do get past all that, there's not a single 'doze box on the network, only secured Macs.
Granted, this is not typical. But it's at least moderately safe.
My MBP does it too - but only if I have the power adapter plugged in one specific way into the mains. If it happens, I just unplug the adapter, plug it in the other way round (it's a euro 2-pin) and the problem goes away.
My house is old (120yrs) with most of the wiring still the original cloth covered lot and 3-phase coming in, and I'd always assumed it was caused by one of the million electrical gremlins that infest the place.
(ps 120 years is old for South Africa)
These are two very different products aimed, I'd guess at two very different markets.
I mean, you wont want to do a full days work on an Eee, with hectic spreadsheets and corporate type applications - but you could easily do that on an Air.
I'd even hazard a guess that the Eee pitches more squarely at the iphone than at the Air.
Don't forget the wonderful (if you're on the good end of the firearm that is) effect of cavitation - coz the human body is mostly water, a projectile that enters the body at a fast enough speed (> speed of sound in water) and you get cavitation effects.
And if that's not enough, then should said projectile hit a major blood vessel then shock waves will travel thru the cardio vascular system..
I'm no expert (by any means) in ballistics, but the course I did as a medic sure did open my eyes..
Guns are horrible things. Period.
fact is - it's happening and no-one - rabid tree-hugger nor fundamentalist christian - can argue with that.
So we, as a species are or are not the primary cause - so what. Can we move on from trying to assuage our guilt (or defend our egos) and get on with dealing with it.
If we apply the principles laid out in the article, then all premium brands would simply shut down.
A Kia does exactly the same job as a Mercedes S500
In fact, taken to the extreme, the argument ends up in a place called Communism. A leap, I know, to say that people who don't buy Apple products are all communists (and I'm not actually saying it).
but squint with your eyes, and let your mind run free (a tricky concept for Windows users, I know) and you'll see the argument.
now excuse my while I go off to blather and dribble saliva down my shirt front in a dark corner somewhere
So my neighbour had his laptop nicked (a MacBookPro). Much wailing and gnashing of teeth later, he gets a call from the local apple store.
Seems the fine member of society who bought it had ambled in to their store, told them he'd just bought it 2nd hand and could they please reinstall the OS to get rid of the previous owners junk.
The store checked the records, phoned the real owner and bingo, one happy story later.
I admit it - I am a dyed in the wool fan boy - cut me and I bleed crisp white blood, saw me in half, and all my icky insides have little apple logo's stamped on them..
but - not even I would buy a gen 1 iPhone when it's network locked and not 3G.
We did all know those things some time back. So why then, did elReg buy it when they knew it had those short comings?
How quickly we all seem to have forgiven Sony for the root kit fiasco
I saw we - but in fact I haven't forgotten, nor have I forgiven.
I *will-never* buy another Sony product - not a thing. Not a memory stick, nor a plasma TV nor anything in between.
And now they continue to screw the pooch with the PS3 pricing.
Nope. Nope. Nope.
Ashley didn't get what he wants?
actually, I didn't think of you as a developer - maybe I'm wrong and deep down you love the itty bitty bits, bytes and bobs that geeky types spend their day assembling so mortal morons like me can sit in comfort and type sarky posts on websites (on my apple macbookpro)
Man, I hope this works better than parallels does. I 'upgraded' my version 2.5 parallels to the New All Singing Dancing 3.0 and not only did it break my old Vm's but even fresh crispy VM's get all sorts of memory exception errors.
We use VMWare a lot onsite - despite the money I've thrown at parallels, I will be going the VMWare route.
Actually, I have high hopes for it based on the comparisons between OS X and Windows (or even, I suspect, Vista).
If we ignore 3G/HSDPA for now as they've said its coming, then sure, on paper my N93 and k800i can do the same things. But Windows can do the same things as OS X - in fact, they can probably do more. That's not the point.
Its the user experience that trips up the Nokia/Sony-Ericsson experience. They're shyte to use because the manufacturers have to stick to what their customers know.
Apple isn't by any means perfect - far from it. I work in an entirely windows dominated environment on a MacBookPro and sure, I have challenges. But the overall user experience - my user experience is better, by far, than it was when I used windows.
I fully expect the iPhone to be the same.