Who'd have thought it would neccessary to explain that cameras and mobile phones can be used as storage on an IT news website.
27 publicly visible posts • joined 28 May 2007
Dumped VM's "10"Mb/s service, which drops to 2Mb/s at any point it feels like after 20-30mins of use. In favour of Be there, despite VM's customer service insisting that I'd "only ever get 512k on ADSL" I am now the very happy recipient of a consistant 4+Mb/s.
Oh and a word to wise, if you complain to VM about their service and they offer you a discount service you are AUTOMATICALLY tying yourself into a 12 month contract by agreeing to it. Took us quite a fight to get out from under that one.
And don't expect your departure to be painless either, the day after we gave our 30 notice to quit they cut off our phone and did the same or similar things for the entire month after.
Come back Blueyonder, all is forgiven.
Paris: Because she also blows.
Proper facial recognition relies on metrics that can't be easily changed, even by surgery. Though if you want to have your eyes sockets moved I can recommend a good sledgehammer.
Its nonsense to attack biometrics on the basis of some very cheap and shoddy implementations of them. That's not to say that facial recognition is appropriate for use as a single authentication token but then what secure system would only use a single token?
Roll on the rants about the erosion of civil liberties and Big Brother culture.
Sounds like a clever bit of programming to me from a bloke with an improbable sounding name. The facial recognition point is well made, people seem to keen to believe what is protrayed in TV shows is reality as opposed to fiction.
This is not a National ID Database and never will be. The chances of it doing anything other than make a few mil for some IT consultants is pretty remote.
Even if it does actually get implemented and kept online for more than a year or two it does not include those who have already passed through the educational system. So how exactly are "we" all going to end up on it?
Do you think the assignment of a unique reference number to you is an ID database? Even looked at your NI number? DVLA number? Passport number? The list is almost endless. There are numerous databases that already hold more data about you than this half arsed attempt to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
There's plenty a surfeit of idiocy in this idea already, without adding to it.
PH Becasue frankly I'm beginning to suspect she's a clearer thinker that quite a few of the Reg's readers.
We have neither "secret" police in the sense meant here or unlimited detention without trial. We certainly don't have unregulated surveilance of anyone, let alone terrorist suspects. I wonder where all you lot are getting your facts from?
You local supermarket knows more about you than any police database. Get over it and go back to looking for signs of alien infestation on GoogleEarth.