* Posts by haaz

9 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2010

SLAP, Apple, and FLOP: Safari, Chrome at risk of data theft on iPhone, Mac, iPad Silicon


Re: Apple Spokeperson ??

I cam here to note this, too. Long-term (former, present again) reader of El Reg, who remembers back in the day when Apple wouldn't even acknowledge this storied journal. I guess we really did flip into an alternate dimension after that one test at CERN in 2016...

Welcome to Muskville: Where the workers never leave


Expecting speed from local government, and other amusements

As someone who works in the field of local government in the American Midwest, I have a bemused chuckle when someone expects speed from any government. While it's true that local governments in particular can be nimbler than states or federal ones, we are still very methodical to try and ensure no one can mess our systems up. Surely, things get through sometimes. But it's this way for good reason. I would be very wary about anyone coming in and demanding speed.

Humanity has officially touched the Sun (or, at least, one of its probes has)


Re: I do hope that at some point the order is given to...

My love for Pink Floyd must be eclipsed at the moment, as I didn't think of that song until you mentioned it!

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Re: I do hope that at some point the order is given to...

Yes! I thought of that Bradbury story as well. It fascinated me when I discovered it in 1987, which was 7th grade for me in the U.S. school system. I think I still have that old paperback copy of "The Golden Apples of the Sun," with its dark red cover art and faded yellow type. It made such an impression on me that five years later, I performed a reading of "The Pedestrian" for the high school forensics tournament in the category for prose reading. That reading advanced me to the state championship, where I did a cutting of "A Clockwork Orange," complete with the Russian bits.

I was the champion all right.

Apple won't be sharing revenue guidance for rest of the year, but we can always guess what it'll look like


Re: not giving guidance won't please

2004? I remember claims of Apple's imminent demise in 1988! It became a semi-annual ritual in the '90s, right up to the original iMac's introduction. And even then... the iPod! Guarantee to fail! iPhone? Instant failure! The M1? Ha, I'll show you the PowerBook 530c!

Yeah I'm old...

What do Angolan rebels, ISIS widows, Metallica and a photographer have in common?


The band Beatallia met a similar fate

That is to say, they're still alive and rocking.

Beatallica brilliantly fuses The Beatles and Metallica into such easy-listening ditties as "Blackened the U.S.S.R.," "Leper Messiah," and the timeless classic "Hey Dude."

A few years ago a lawyer from Metallica's record label — surprisingly, perhaps, not The Beatles' — sent them a cease and desist letter along with threat of a multi-bazillion dollar lawsuit. In the end, Lars Himself intervened, and saved Beatallica from an ungodly end.

Beatallica is going to play at Club Garibaldi in Milwaukee on 25 Feb '16, so if you're in the neighborhood, swing by and rock out. They're online at http://www.beatallica.org/.

El Reg Redesign - leave your comment here.


A new design! Just what I was thinking.

Indeed, just yesterday, I thought, "Hey, I've been reading El Reg for years... haven't they changed it 't all? Mm, they could use a little touch here and there. Ah well. Good stuff, I'll keep mindless devouring.

Still not sure what I think, but yeah. Not offended or nothing so far.

Review: Apple Mac Mini 2012


Behold! The Mac mini EFI Firmware Update!

They must've known ol' Tone was on their case...


Doctor Who game to transmat in on 5 June

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Looking forward to this, yes yes

I'm glad they're making it for the Mac -- hopefully it'll run on my wee 2 GHz Core Duo 2 CPU. Moreover, my seven-year-old daughter will dig it too. I'll always treasure the day that my then four-year-old little miss asked me, "Papa, can we watch 'Doctor Who'?"

I knew then that she was one of us.