Re: Not coping well with Brexit
"Imagine the gloomy Brit workforce in the EU who haven't got a scooby doo what their future is going to be, because their residency, work, health, and pension rights are reciprocal to what gets dished out to EU citizens in the UK and are entirely dependent on the entitled schoolchild and his special psychopathic friend dream up today."
EU citizens resident in the UK before Brexit is implemented (currently, 31st October)are entitled to stay in the UK, even if they have not already qualified for permanent residence. This was announced under May's tenure. Many EU citizens have already established their situation but as usual, the Home Office is managing to screw up the fairly simple rules.
The EC/EU27 have not reciprocated, which is why many British citizens living on the continent don't know what will happen. However, some EU27 countries, like Germany, have announced something similar to the UK.