Standard Software Build/Image
I'd be surprised if anyone here isn't familiar with the concept of a standard software build for desktops (or notebooks). Management tend to view these issues in terms of projects and a project to create, test and rollout a new standard build typically take ages and costs a lot of money. Hence management's reluctance to change. They take the view "if it works, don't fix it" - but of course, this doesn't take account of changing security threats, new hardware, etc.
In my experience, there are two cases that prompt a move to upgrade: the hardware build for which the standard software build was developed is no longer available and the new hardware doesn't work with the standard software build. The other issue is when documents arrive from other organisations which the standard software cannot read (Acrobat, Word, Excel, etc.).
There is another case that prompts upgrades - that's when the big boss can't access his online banking or stockbrokers because the standard build of Java isn't supported. He then gets a special build which then spreads through senior management through "me too" demands/bullying.
Of course, by the time the project to create, test and rollout a new standard build is completed, a couple of years have passed and everything is out of date again :-) Still, it keeps a lot of people in work.