Re: That was my thought, too.
Why you keep using SMO. Be a man and admit that is a full scale war that Russia is conducting agains Ukraine.
108 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Apr 2010
That is collection of bullshit of epic proportion that mirrors the russian propaganda spewed by countless knobs on the internet. Who was rattlling sabres? Zelensky? Maybe Ukraine wad war exercises with 200000+ men near the russian border and not the russians near the Ukrainian border.
What nulear ambition? Ukraine transferred the nuclear weapons it ingerited from USSR to Russia in exchange to a treaty that was "guaranteein"it's safety. Guess who broke that treaty? Russia!
I think you oversimplify the matter. Yes, Apple licensed the Arm instruction set but the M line of processors has nothing to do with the Arm reference design.
As for money, Apple has the cash to buy outright Qualcomm but the authorities will probably not allow such deal to go through. They will simply throw money at the problem till they will solve the issue.
Nigel Farage is a wanker which had no problem cashing in his paycheck from the European Parliament on one side and spewing a lot of bullshit and disinformation on the other side. Private entities have the possibility to choose their own customers. Nobody says that you must bank with X Bank of Y bank as a right.
except it didn't. If you have read the documents you were citing, you would of seen that the respective proposal are not direct tax on thee EU citizens. I live in an EU country and there is no federal tax or whatever you call it that it is paid or applied to either the citizens of business transactions between member countries... Try again
China was aiding Vietnam? I think you may have to check the history books... URSS came to the aid of Vietnam while China has managed to invade Vietnam in 1979(see the SinoV-Vietnamese war of 1979-1981). If you check, US and Vietnam have normal relations and Vietnam is the biggest benefactor of US companies seeking alternatives to China sourcing...
Well, so far all Trump's complaints have been thrown out of courts for being without merit... As for going for popular vote and giving up on the Electoral college system would be a step ahead, but one which will not be introduced in the near future as the right wing is afraid of the popular vote (keep in mind that Hillary lost despite winning the popular vote)...
YOu had no clue how EU was set-up or working, There was no faceless bureaucrat deciding. Each country has its representatives. True, in the case of UK was Nigel Farage between them so, of course, had no clue or say in what was done in brussels, except collecting the nice pay that goes along being a EU parliamentary.