* Posts by kat_bg

108 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Apr 2010


Space nukes: The unbelievably bad idea that's exactly that ... unbelievable


Re: That was my thought, too.

Why you keep using SMO. Be a man and admit that is a full scale war that Russia is conducting agains Ukraine.


Re: That was my thought, too.

Greece har repayed their loans, you russian shill...


Re: That was my thought, too.

Again, missing quote of zelensky stating that Ukraine should be a nuclear power? Examining a treaty doeas not equal with becoming a nuclear power.


Re: That was my thought, too.

That is collection of bullshit of epic proportion that mirrors the russian propaganda spewed by countless knobs on the internet. Who was rattlling sabres? Zelensky? Maybe Ukraine wad war exercises with 200000+ men near the russian border and not the russians near the Ukrainian border.

What nulear ambition? Ukraine transferred the nuclear weapons it ingerited from USSR to Russia in exchange to a treaty that was "guaranteein"it's safety. Guess who broke that treaty? Russia!

Tesla's Cybertruck may not be so stainless after all


Re: Why stainless?

9 mm is dangerous.They hve tested it against 45 ACP rounds, subsonic, I guess. 9 mm can go supersonic with the proper bullet.

Tesla Cybertruck gets cyberstuck during off-roading expedition


Re: Why do people keep trying to go off road in those things?

I think you confuse Auds with BMWs in what regard turn signals. Audis are best know for riding right up the ass of the car in front

Xerox prints pink slips for 15% of workforce


Most likely the management got a fat bonus for executing the headcount/cost reduction...

Apple's quest for modem independence from Qualcomm is going nowhere fast


Re: iGundam

I think you oversimplify the matter. Yes, Apple licensed the Arm instruction set but the M line of processors has nothing to do with the Arm reference design.

As for money, Apple has the cash to buy outright Qualcomm but the authorities will probably not allow such deal to go through. They will simply throw money at the problem till they will solve the issue.

'Recession-resilient' Tesla misses Q3 expectations, slows Mexico expansion


Why to borrow from ECB? There are enough banks in Europe. Central Bank is not specialized in consumer financing. I am pretty sure that GM, FORD and Stellantis managed to offer financing, withut borrowing from FED

Intel starts mass production on Intel 4 node using EUV in Irish fab


Playing catch-up with SMIC??? Are you joking?

Getting to the bottom of BMW's pay-as-you-toast subscription failure


Re: coccyx-centered comforts in cold climes

Nigel Farage is a wanker which had no problem cashing in his paycheck from the European Parliament on one side and spewing a lot of bullshit and disinformation on the other side. Private entities have the possibility to choose their own customers. Nobody says that you must bank with X Bank of Y bank as a right.

Microsoft's Activision fight with FTC turned up a Blizzard of docs: Here's your summary


Re: Sony

Yet, they can buy rival gaming houses, that incidentally provide exclusives for PS but not for Xbox?


Re: Here's a novel idea

And why should they do that? That it like saying that Sony should choose the hardware or the software part of their business.

Missing Titan sub likely destroyed in implosion, no survivors


Well, i would say that FoxNews, while owned by a billionaire in in now way left biased. But, regardless, any billionaire owned media is bad

New York City latest to sue Hyundai and Kia claiming their cars are too easy to steal


More correct, for US, that is a republican view... Liberals in Europe are situated on the right side of the political spectrum.


Re: The only option is....

Have you read the article? Hyundai/Kia used the said immobilizers in other markets, except US. So I guess they make enough profit if they do not leave those markets.

Microsoft's big bet on helium-3 fusion explained


Re: Fake

In relations to the power needed, solar panels would required a surface that is not available.

Microsoft has made Azure Linux generally available. Repeat, Azure Linux


Funny how that works... 20 years ago Balmer issued that cancer quote, yet, now, the Linux distro (albeit with a more focused scope) is properly vetted and slimmed down compared to Windows...

Dyson moans about state of UK science and tech, forgets to suck up his own mess


Actually it does. Try importing equipment from China and use the respective logo without the proper documentation... Customs will have a field day with your money


Re: With two-faced "friends" like Dyson, Britain doesn't need enemies

except it didn't. If you have read the documents you were citing, you would of seen that the respective proposal are not direct tax on thee EU citizens. I live in an EU country and there is no federal tax or whatever you call it that it is paid or applied to either the citizens of business transactions between member countries... Try again

Mars Helicopter completes 50th flight, 45 more than NASA planned


Re: Cool.

While that is funny and could happen (see other NASA projects that were massively overbudget), in the case of the tools they put on Mars, they did better than anybody expected.

Vessels claiming to be Chinese warships are messing with passenger planes


Re: Joining the dots

Dude, for not a fan of China, for sure you got to any length to defend them


Re: Peak China?

China was aiding Vietnam? I think you may have to check the history books... URSS came to the aid of Vietnam while China has managed to invade Vietnam in 1979(see the SinoV-Vietnamese war of 1979-1981). If you check, US and Vietnam have normal relations and Vietnam is the biggest benefactor of US companies seeking alternatives to China sourcing...

Silicon Valley Bank seized by officials after imploding: How this happened and why


Re: Federal Spending > Inflation > Rising Interest Rates

Well, Clinton the democrat was the also the last president that run with an excess in the budget.

Elon Musk yearns for AI devs to build 'anti-woke' rival ChatGPT bot


Re: What happens when we disagree with OpenAI?

Well, so far all Trump's complaints have been thrown out of courts for being without merit... As for going for popular vote and giving up on the Electoral college system would be a step ahead, but one which will not be introduced in the near future as the right wing is afraid of the popular vote (keep in mind that Hillary lost despite winning the popular vote)...


Re: World's first AI government adviser in Romania

Yes, and the first thing the so called AI adviser was to steal a photo from a local council presentation and to insert it into a government text...

Foxconn expands Vietnam factories, perhaps to help Apple diversify beyond China


Was about manufacturing... Of course Apple will keep some manufacturing in China

Google staff asked to share desk space in latest cost purge


Re: American Capitalism - Greed

Same story with Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook

Amazon mandates return to office for 300,000 corporate staff


Re: 300k

well, the article stated that they have 1,6 million in total so 300 k it is possible

Microsoft makes Windows-on-Arm in VMs on Macs official – with Parallels for starters


How is World of Warships running in this scenario?

Surprise! China's top Android phones collect way more info


Re: As an owner of a Xiaomi

Chips made in Taiwan. Neither Apple or Samsung use chinese made chips

Qualcomm feels the squeeze because you don't want a new smartphone right now


Re: churn, much?

Well me too then... I don't see the point of replacing perfectly good phones every year..

Arca Noae is modernizing OS/2 Warp for 21st century PCs


Re: 16-bit sw in Windows x64

Funny... I am running the same windows 11 instalation with no issues...

Twitter tweaks third-party app rules to ban third-party apps


Re: Leeching off a leech

Till yesterday, that API was supported.

Like Uber, but for China: Beijing creates state-owned meta rideshare service


Re: Hmm

DiDi will politely asked to be acquired by the state owned entity for the sake of the country :)

Third-party Twitter apps stopped dead with no explanation from El Musko


Re: The meltdown continues

Please define extreme left for the non-US people, as I have a distinct feeling that americans have no clue what extreme left mean

Chinese Tesla owners protest another round of price cuts


Re: Catch Up Time

Growth of the chinese economy and caplitalism have little in common...

India sets USB-C charging deadline for smartphones


Re: So much for "Brexit freedoms" eh ?

YOu had no clue how EU was set-up or working, There was no faceless bureaucrat deciding. Each country has its representatives. True, in the case of UK was Nigel Farage between them so, of course, had no clue or say in what was done in brussels, except collecting the nice pay that goes along being a EU parliamentary.

Elon Musk to step down as Twitter CEO: Help us pick his replacement


Re: Ughhh...

Unlike friendly sources like FoxNews, Newsmax or Infowars?

Here's something communism is good at: Making smartphones less annoying


Re: Hmmm.... one has to wonder

Those are baked into the mandatory phone app :)

To protect its cloud, Microsoft bans crypto mining from its online services


I guess you have read the article. All the big cloud provider have taken similar measures.

Musk says spat with Apple over App Store ejection threat for Twitter was 'misunderstanding'


Tesla allows third party repairs? Do they offer possibility to replace cells in the battery thus not replacing the whole unit? No? Then they are not better


Musk cares about freedom of speech only when suits him. Ask his employees if they have freedom of speech, especially when their opinions goe against his

France says non to Office 365 and Google Workspace in school


Re: Collabora Office (UK)

Actually nobody hate you. Just pity you that were so easily duped...

World's richest man posts memes as $44b Twitter acquisition veers off course


Re: Catch-22

He bet everything. True. However, nice goverment contracts did help along the way.


Re: Catch-22

To a certain degree, most likely

Twitter employees sue over lack of 60-day layoff notice


Wrong. Audi is an acronym for Auto Union Deutschland Ingolstadt. No Adolph in the name...

Arm sues Qualcomm over custom Nuvia CPU cores, wants designs destroyed


Re: Breach


Micron wants tax breaks for '$160b' Texas chip fab plant


Re: Oops, I misread The Headline

We would like Finland's PM instead of our own... At least she parties in her private life and works during the job hours.

Philippines orders fraud probe after paying MacBook prices for slow Celeron laptops


Re: The Sad Refrain of poor Business Judgement...

I think you have misread. The Dell kit bought in 2020 was cheaper than the kit they ended up buying (the Celerons).
