Should I be able to access it on my S2? Because I can't.
Posts by Rob 75
5 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Apr 2010
Xbox SmartGlass hits Android ahead of schedule
Arguably Perfect Dark was a 'better' game when it came out, but only because it was just Goldeneye with new skins pasted on top and a few futuristic weapons. It didn't have anywhere near the impact of Goldeneye, nor was it particularly innovative.
Goldeneye played a far more important role in gaming history, anyone preferring Perfect Dark is a heretic.
Dead Rising 2
Angry Romanian hackers deface Telegraph for Top Gear toss
Oh Clarkson, you arse.
Romanians please listen!
Clarkson isn't representative of English folk, however illogically popular he may be I still believe enough of the English aren't as passive-regressively racist as that obelisk of fugly. He can't even dress with class. He's the wrong kind of British, like Wayne 'ugh' Rooney or Nick 'giving birth to a pig through my face' Griffin.
Give us another chance!