Standard are slipping...
Several hundred words and no mention that the UKIP leader at the time was called Dick Braine?
61 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Apr 2010
Read this the other day - rather interesting on the history of the PC beep and why it survived for so long after the advent of the soundcard (spoiler: disability legislation).
Not much. This, however, might be useful to a _very_ limited audience:
Point taken, but all I am saying is that polenta _can_ be ok if prepared properly (basically overloaded with things that actually do taste good, like parmesan and garlic, and preferably fried). OTOH quinoa has the distinction of being entirely beyond redemption. Once you make the decision to base you meal around it, nothing in the known universe can rescue your meal from ending up a bland, uninspiring pile of sh*t.
Before you rush out and get your unlimited, 10 quid all you can eat deal, be made aware that GG are currently having an open consultation the net result of which is that the tenner deal will be restricted to 750MB data monthly. Should still be unlimited for 13 quid though. Rather more worryingly so far as I am concerned, they are promising to improve their tether detection which means that my poor Nexus 7 could be left out in the cold on those long bus rides into work. VPN might be the only way to go.
Yes, box.{com,net} is somewhat crippled without the client, for which you need a paid account. However, you can use davfs2 to mount a folder and sync it that way, which works brilliantly and gives me a good use of that 50GB account I got for signing up on Android.
Cyanogenmod allows you to dig into an app's permissions and deny / allow as you see fit before you run the app for the first time. This does have the occasional side effect of an apps crashing, but in a recent case I had of a note taking app wanting contact and network permissions and falling over when denied such, it was warning enough for me to nuke the damned thing and look elsewhere.
Very prescient comment, if most of what you predict hadn't already come to pass. Asus have spectacularly compromised the Prime by announcing its predecessor just it launches. It's called the Transformer Prime HD and comes with a redesigned rear panel, which presumably fixes GPS and reported Wifi issues.
On that note, El Reg, why no review of the wifi - the other major problem reported with the Prime? Reports yesterday suggest that the UK models don't have this particular problem, but confirmation of this would have been nice.