Choice and variety
We now have 2 great Android keyboard devices, the Key2 and the Gemini. I'll probably stick with the Gemini.
58 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Apr 2010
Being an owner of a Note 4 and LG G3, I don't see the bloatware as as issue. Don't forget that unless you have the international D855 LG G3 you don't have LTE-A. The S Pen, for those that need this feature, is unique to the Note 4 and the LG G3 has no parallel. However, unless you have the Octa Core version of the Note 4, the DAC in the LG G3 is better. UK price for the International D855 is still close to £360.
There is analysis elsewhere that suggests there is a weak spot in the body of the 6 Plus around the volume rocker. I suspect the battery does not provide a lot of structural rigidity in that spot. But kids can't be that strong? And this is a criminal offence, I am sure.
And their employees benefits from security, social, transport and health services. These need to be paid for through the various tax systems, not just national insurance and income tax! All rules have "bugs" which means there will always be a way around them. No rule book can cover all circumstances. The basic concept is that we all pay taxes for national services that we all benefit from, unless you are Apple, Google, Starbucks etc
I've had the Gear 1 and Sony Smartwatch 2 (as well as the very old Sony Ericsson MBW 100 in 2006) so feel I have road tested these devices. I have two phones - one for business and one for personal. My business phone is in-hand and visible during my work day so the notifications to my smartwatch from my personal phone are actually very "handy". Also I can quickly see who is calling and reject calls and reply to sms quickly if in a meeting (no need to find the phone and then enter a PIN etc). So the use depends in your situation - it is not a "silver" bullet to deal with all your digital management issues, it is an add-on for some people for connivence. Yes the suppliers would want you to think if you don't have one you are missing out on something're not.
Is a Range Rover really a car? Like cars, device manufacturers are creating devices for different segments and creating sub-brands like "Note" for Samsung. The Z Ultra is really like a Personal size Filofax and the idea is that it is a smaller tablet as opposed to a bigger phone. It may fill a niche or may create a small market like the Note 1, 2 & 3.
Every company in the world could do this but they choose not to because all rules can be worked around. In the US and UK, and other countries, we fund social and defence services from taxes. That is the purpose of tax. By actively working around the rules all you do is demonstrate lack of social responsibility.
Well the next iPhone is late. So there must be a reason for this - eiher Apple are doing something really amazing and it is a bit tricky or they are having some fundamental technical problems with their design (a bit like the initial atenna problems and the white casing with the iphone 4).
Nokia at one point understood that the next big play was content. Unless M$ and Nokia tie-up more content than Apple and Anroid they wont increase market share.
Sad but true that the modern Smartphone is actually an entertainment server and not the PDA with great communicaiton that Symbian was designed for. But some of us still want that but we have no choice now.
You should use the S80 and S90 devices (Nokia 9500, 9300 & 7710) to see what Nokia achieved in 2004/5. It was remarkable, especially the Nokia 7710 (high res and fast). Nokia has lacked vision and strong management since the great period to 2005 and this has allowed it to make a series of poor decisions. And now with Win Phone 7 it will die. So sad.
Nokia have nil skills in Win Phone software. Elop not only did not choose Android, easier for a MeeGo company to adopt, but also reduced Nokia to a "business", that is, strategy is simply a business case. Wrong! Nokia is much more than a company. It is the flagship European tech company and a company that once had a vision and was innovative. Now its just a hardware company and a distribution network. No longer a hub of European tech. Sorry to see the demise of Nokia.