Ok, one more reply..
Hi TkH11
I was going to stop posting on this but felt the need to reply. I am not a polymath so don't know everything about everything that the human race has come upon, but I do know enough about physics that nothing indicates that there can't be a creator.
However, I completely understand your position that if something is not only yet to be proven but seems at odds with the current human understanding of the workings of this universe, then you're not going to accept it. No problem with that.
But you do acknowledge that we may never answer the ultimate questions about life, the universe and everything (although it's possible that even Douglas Adams comic account of it is as close to the truth as anything!). We may not have the intellect to achieve this, just like a dog would never be able to understand quantisation of energy levels. But a dog will never be able to understand religion either!
I think I am being found out here though - I mentioned that my faith is personal to me and I don't bang on about it. The main reason is that I think I am open minded and don't like the associated baggage that seems to come with all mainstream religions (e.g. the propensity to preach to others and feel smug or patronising about them going to hell etc.).
Let's all chill - the question of does god exist will never be answered satisfactorily depending on what answer one believes in.