* Posts by Art

6 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Aug 2007

No email privacy rights under Constitution, US gov claims


@ Alex - method for encrypting your email?

I've been using GnuPG for a while now under the guise of GPG4Win <http://www.gpg4win.org/> and <http://www.gnupg.org> or you might like to try Enigmail - it's an extension to the Mozilla Thunderbird and Mozilla Seamonkey mail client again using GnuPG

What's 77.1 x 850? Don't ask Excel 2007



Forgetting the bloat in Office 2007, this looks like a fundamental fault relating to addessing within the root coding for Excel; as mentioned above 65,536 is 2^16 or 256*256

and when we look at Excel 2003 vs Excel 2007

Excel 2003 Excel 2007

Number of rows 65,536 1,048,576

Number of columns 256 16,384

Number of levels of sorting 3 64

Number of levels of nesting in a formula 7 64

Maximum number of function arguments 30 255

Maximum number of function arguments 30 255

So, what's the velocity of a sheep in a vacuum?


@JimC re @Taff re measuring the area of Wales

unfortunately as you're allowing 3D to a depth of 1M the measurement is still in the end a fractal surface (up the Planck length) - though at this scale Wales becomes somewhat immaterial

'Microsoft' to compensate 419 victims


How do they collect?

Greed and gullibility. If not via advance fee "for administration", or "just confirm your bank details, sort code and pin, and we will transfer the funds directly", the 419ers will probably harvest a few more e-mail addresses to sell onto their mates from chancers who were never scammed but would like a stab at 100,000.

Seagate to start shifting SSDs


Flash in the pan?

I seem to recall that the lifetime for NAND-based flash devices is in the order of 500,000 erase/write cycles; how does this compare with Seagate's HDDs?

Ex-MI5 agent Shayler claims to be chav messiah


Chav Messiah

Ref Hebrew and Chav

Hebrew, from chaver, friend

e.g. The Progressive Chavurah - http://www.chav.net/