the postman
apparently that Heaven's Gate mob in San diego watched this prior to offing themselves, and if it weren't for copious amounts of vodka to numb the pain, i'd be tempted to follow suit.
10 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Apr 2010
errrm because they have previous form for fucking over anyone they feel like and other general asshattery?
here's a fine example:
I also seem to recall an app dev company that had gone through the whole research, dev, QA etc with apple's involvement only to have apple shitcan them anyway. it was reported here on el reg, and i'd link it except i cant remember the specifics and i'm too lazy to go looking for another link. someone else may recall it though
these guys are generally considered to be on the christmas mix side of nutjobs.
their usual fare is to attempt to tap into any anti<insert random vehicle type here> sentiments to promote their cause. usually it's 4x4s (preferably sporting a roo bar), but can extend to vans, trucks, pushbikes, lame horses, donkeys bearing the messiah, etc. if they've once hit a pedestrian, the PCA will want to ban it. and of course it goes without saying that it's never the pedestrian's fault... ever.