* Posts by the bat

55 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Apr 2010


Apple yanks music streamer from App Store

the bat
Jobs Horns

No wonder some good apps are Rejected!

The guy that overseas the app store has a side business selling "Fart Apps" for the Apple app store. So when good apps get the rejection notice the Apple App Store directors gets his in.


Ellison wrestles Google to strangle 'unofficial' Java

the bat

Ellison here is our Middle Finger

Ellison here is our Middle Finger - You aren't the only option available to developers. You axed Jobs, You axed OpenSolaris - no one needs your Linux Spinoff of RedHat, Now it is a pity you are going after Java. So what was the reason for buying Sun, to turn a profit by improving the innovative products already available or try to push your useless services on to a market segment that don't give a flying jack nor use for them! Hey the Board needs to replace Ellison!

Server-based botnet floods net with brutish SSH attacks

the bat

in your banner

so whatzzzzz the name of your server :)

the bat
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i Fought Back

i would get random IP spoof attacks trying to figure out where my phpmyadmin install was on my server. So I wrote a drupal plugin that intercepted the url request and forwarded the attack off to the FBI tips website. My guess is they thought they had hit the jack pot only to figure out they were being reported, I haven't seen an attack since then.


Avira owns up to BitDefender Trojan false alarm

the bat


you're correct it is a Romanian outfit. One of the most troublesome apps when it to comes removing.

Runner and riders for HP's top job

the bat


Guess someone "Hurd" the "Runner" was a "Rider" - lol

DARPA awards $76.6m supercomputer challenge

the bat
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Hmm one step closer

One step closer to getting a system for the Area 51 spaceship!

'Poo-powered' Volkswagen astounds world+dog

the bat

Does it comes with Air Freshener?

Does it comes with Air Freshener? Wont want to be around when it back fires!!

Botnet that pwned 100,000 UK PCs taken out

the bat

Now someone just needs to track down the Morpheous Hack!

Someone just needs to track down the Morpheous Hack! Been getting attacks from proxy IP addresses the quicker i filter the incoming IP they find antoher one and this all originated out of Europe, hoped over to China, then over to the USA ... They seem interested in PhpMyAdmin!

Apple as a religion: How the iPhone became divine

the bat
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Someone had an Appoligion 

Make it shiny and they shall flock 

Canadian flyboy prangs CF-18 Hornet

the bat
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CNN (Europe)Copyright What! This is happen in my own Country

All excited to watch the video only to be greet with CNN (Europe)Copyright What! This is happen in my own Country, CNN should be paying Canada for the rights to broadcast.

IBM splits with Solaris 10 on x64

the bat
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A re-welcome edition to the intel will be nice

Having AIX back on the intel platform will be nice. I'd buy a few copies!

EC launches formal probes into IBM's mainframe biz

the bat
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Was a bout time

Why pay for an over price power pc chip!

Apple app police anoint un-Flash code translation

the bat

Why cut off the hand that feed you! (again)

With out Games on the device it would just be another palm or blackberry.

Consumer Reports: 'We were wrong about the iPhone 4'

the bat
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That Battery can change

Check the web they are videos on how to change the battery. will call for a soldering gun and patience.

RIM nemesis slaps patent suit on Apple, Google, Microsoft...

the bat
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NTP - Not That Patent

What the Apple and others should do is bye NTP out and then close it down with a bar on the current management from starting up similar operations.

Carousel fraudsters must pay back £92m

the bat

I guess they're from a long of pIrAtes

I guess they're from a long of pIrAtes

Apple's iPhone 4 denial: insulting or ignorant?

the bat
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Software Fix the Bars

They are going to software fix the bars to coverup the issue

Huge new airships for US Army: designed in Blighty

the bat
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NASA Space projects for this Crap!!

NASA Space projects for this Crap!! To they(US President) will cancel Nasa spending for earth bound objects.

NASA: Civilization will end in 2013 (possibly)

the bat

Well The Gods (Early Techno Advance Humans Who Visited) had it right

We will be destroyed by fire this time around Darn! They were right!

iPhone 4 preorder system exposes private user data

the bat
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Weird Programming

I think the guy in the basement is with a cobol for dummies is writing ATT software!

Twitter topples over

the bat

someone ssling shot the birdie!

someone ssling shot the birdie! Twweeettee!!

Jobs woos devs with iPhone OS iOS 4

the bat
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You have your nuts in a ball with this one!

The upload of the app was done by an independent developer and not apple directly!

the bat
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I would say that is a smart switch

I would say that is a smart switch! Darn good Cisco product!

iPeds, iRobots, and the Chinese iPad clone machine

the bat

had to happen at some point

Could this the be the rejected hardware batch ??

Microsoft Tag emerges from beta

the bat
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Also known as brail/brale for dumb computers

Also known as brail/brale for dumb computers

BMC reveals 'free money' mainframe and DB2 tools

the bat


After spending millions on a platform which legally now belongs to you why on earth must you pay IBM a tax for usage.

'Draw Mohammed' call prompts Pakistan Facebook ban

the bat

Why would a prophet want to be anonymous

Why would a prophet want to be anonymous?? was he the first 2000 year old trickster playing two parts to his followers ... Mohammed for muslims - Someone else for the Jews and Christians ... Collecting money from both sides of the fence!

Microsoft launches patent suit at Salesforce cloud

the bat
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Half of these patents need tossing out!

Half of these patents need tossing out since they no longer fit the time when innovation was in its infancy but has pretty much became the standard pushed onto developers by the very same software retailer... It's like being setup for a take down. psst "My my development suite with all these cool features but i'll sue you if you do this and i'll sue you if you try that!!"

IBM punts commercial Hadoop distro

the bat
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Download it free while you can knowing IBM's track record

Download it free while you can knowing IBM's track record when the good gets going the will take out of open and into closed source.

Canadian mobe firm sued over disappearing husband

the bat

itemize billing

Itemize billing justifies the usage of the white space on the bill - paper wastage... different house numbers where heck do you live? using the scenario of 51 and 51A in a housing development could also mean two separate houses or lots but for some reason due to may be zoning or the sub dividing of the lot two houses built on the same property.

the bat

Too bad continue...

You are right - the bundle practice is a breach of contract and very much more so privacy. What if you live in a rented house upstairs and tenants downstairs all sharing the same postal address, to Rogers you are all at the address they will bundle address! Rogers failed to acknowledge the fact that the names on the accounts are different and that should have stopped the process from starting based on privacy and the privacy laws of Canada.

Adobe declares 'LOVE' for Apple

the bat
Jobs Horns

Only thing we need is a Snake Now!

So who is going to dangle the Apple for us bitel...freewill!

Exam board deletes C and PHP from CompSci A-levels

the bat

dumb the work force down and import the skillset to replace them

dumb the work force down and import the skillset to replace them

80% of devs chafe at Apple's App Store cash split

the bat
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That was back in the Day

The IBM mainframes are nothing but now over glorified Power (PC) based systems which now run C/C++, RPG, & CrapBol and the nice modern day subsystems Apache, Java and PHP along side the old soon to be dead IMS, CICS, & TSO. So the way i see it you're soon out of a job. Oh i remember those days VSE/ESA & CICS with a little power and VTAM but you can run all of that now on any PC with a copy of Hercules.

The Bat


the bat
Jobs Halo

The developer takes home 70% apple pocket30%

The developer takes home 70% apple pocket30% what is the fuss all about!

US Navy's plane-hurling mass driver in tech hiccup

the bat

Sir!!!..Which Wire - errr the red wire!!

Do i connect the red wires together or the black goes to the red ....FLIP a COIN son!

the bat

May be the Equipment wasn't shielded !

The computer gear probably wasn't shielded from the interference ....

White House devs overlooked gaping Drupal vuln

the bat

Trying to drum up a contract with the white house

Trying to drum up a contract with the white house - why target the white house? why not CNN or someone else! that has to be someone crying over a job they lost because the White house didn't purchase the services!

Green Berets to get Judge Dredd computer smart-rifle

the bat
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i hope is EMP proof & g-Shock as well

Let's hope it is EMP proof as well since all the other guy has to do is hit it with an EMP burst and it is piece of useless junk!

Feel.me up for grabs in dot-me domain auction

the bat
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Dear Editor - Your wish just came through - lol

if you check this site you will find what f*ckable.me - lol


US netwar-force Cyber Wings badge unveiled

the bat


Does the post comes with Apple swag.. iPad ???

IT consultant gets 5 years for plundering $2m

the bat
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The Banks Fault!

Years ago Banks employed in house programmers before going for off the shelf products. With privacy a big issue it is time banks either go back to hiring in house programming teams or buy out the software companies they do business with and lock the code down!

Microsoft's Internet Explorer 9 shuns open video

the bat
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It is called planning for the future!

Lock you in now (free) -Then bill you later!

Microsoft's Linux patent bingo hits Google's Android

the bat
Gates Horns

Microsoft was built on the blood of VMS

When MicroCrooks took VMS operating system and hacked it up and turned it into WinNT 3.0 they weren't thinking about patents nor copyrights (they were unrightfully copying). VMS -> WinNT push each letter of VMS down one and you get WinNT.

the bat

Linux is Linux - Kernel is Kernel

Yes Linux is and OS. The kernel is the key component or abstract layer which sits between the Linux OS and the hardware layer .

Sony sued for dropping Linux from PS3

the bat

was about time someone stood up to SONY

that was reason for going PS3 as well it is like buying a car and being told you're not aloud to drive it (W)ednesdays and on (T)hursdays you can't user right passenger door and (F)ridays you can't turn the steering no more than 30 degrees while going left!

IBM's Unix poaching slows in Q1

the bat

IBM is pretty much pricing themselves out of business.

IBM is pretty much pricing themselves out of business. Why would i buy an eight cylinder car and be allow to only use one cylinder. You can pretty much any decent x86_64 system for peanuts with the same number of cores as their low config and still survive. IBM has gotten a bit too big for themselves forgetting the small businesses in the process.

Radical hypersonic glider vanishes above Pacific

the bat
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Worm Hole

STL jump!

Israel unbans Apple iPad

the bat
Dead Vulture

They just wanted to get a go at them!

They just wanted to get a go at them!
