Re: Judges are just senior lawyers
Oh gawd....
"One that works. Specifically, one that does not involve members of the group who make money from prolonging the legal process being in charge of that process."
You do realise, don't you, that one of the points of the rule that Judge Koh was enforcing was precisely to prevent unnecessary prolongation of the trial process?
"Also, one where precedent is not used to overrule the decisions of the elected legislative bodies even when the precedent is obviously wrong and flies in the face of written law."
If you don't like precedent, move to a country in mainland Europe like France. They don't use precedent there.
"Also, one where judges can be sacked for persistent poor performance and repeatedly having their decisions overturned on appeal."
This can happen now. But you have to tread very carefully to ensure that judges are not sacked for having reached inconvenient decisions for the state or populus. And in the US, of course, judges are often elected.
"Also, one where the rich are treated equally with the poor.
Also, one where the police are treated equally with the non-police.
Also, one where the punishments are decided on the basis of what actually reduces crimes instead of what gives the editor of the Daily Mail a hard-on."
"Also, one where lawyers who present evidence they know is false are tried for perverting the course of justice."
I've not heard of miscarriages of justice involving this.
"Also, one where lying to obtain money is tried as fraud even if you are in charge of a bank, instead of magically needing "special powers" in order to bring a case."
This is not a shortcoming of the legal system, it's a shortcoming of our political system.
"One where shooting an obviously unarmed, non-threatening person dead while they read their paper on the Tube leads to life-time sentences for the perpetrators instead of promotions.
One where killing people with a car is not regarded as less serious than stealing a few cans of beans from a shop."
"One where juries are allowed to ask questions and are able to refuse to hear further testimony from a lawyer who is clearly just running up the bill or obfuscating on purpose."
There are plenty of downsides to allowing juries to ask questions or refusing to hear evidence. Quis custodiet etc etc