Re: but it's never a bad time to listen to radiolab
you, sir, have just put into words the uneasy feeling I get when the missus listens to NPR and the like.
110 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Mar 2010
Sadly, no. There are not enough of the technically inclined that even care enough to "starve the beast". This is more a dream of the people taking back what they shouldn't really have provided in the first place. I am guilty of that as well since Chrome ran Gmail and youtube well, I said fuck it. For myself, I am going to try to unfuck it.
back to Firefox until if/when they fuck it up.
On a more seriousish note, I wonder if this will inspire more DIY setups among those of us who are technically inclined. Considering that you largely cannot trust anything that you haven't put together yourself.
I am, of course, not talking about handcrafting your own firewall from only artisinal bits on the finest of organic silicon, but more of a pfSense on a pi lovingly shoved into our own and acquaintances networks. The purpose of course being to starve the beast just enough to get it to correct its attitude.
I was working for an MSP in Orange County, CA. One of my responsibilities was to configure new equipment that was being shipped to a customers retail locations. The engineering team made this stupid easy in so far as open ticket in system > click config > copy config > paste to ssh terminal > write config > reboot and verify that it is communicating with the headend.
I was configuring something in the area of 10 boxes and I was starting to close in on the shipping window. I had them all stacked and I had all the boxes open in SecureCRT with the headend as the first tab. Pasted and wrote all the configs and no issues. Started issuing reboots to test and, sure as shit, I reboot the headend.
Normally, for our customers, this is not an issue because they usually have redundant headends, not this one. Open a console, start pinging public IP which is whitelisted to respond from our site
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Go talk to the engineer who is packing up to leave, fess up to what I did, the broken man puts his stuff down, opens a console and picks up the phone. I ask if I need to stay and he says no.
The next day the engineer is absent and I look up the customer, our ticketing system at somewhere around 3 AM had autogenerated and autoclosed somewhere north of 3000 tickets. Come to find out from another engineer that the headend in question had been running with bad nvram so the reboot wiped the config and there had been no IOS to load. The customers engineer had discovered the headend sitting at a ROMMON prompt. New IOS and new base config later and the customer is back up.
In the end, I was told everyone gets to do that once.
I'm an American traveling to France and Ireland over Christmas and new years. I have an unlocked GSM Nexus 5 that I plan on using while I am travelling. I don't need a lot of minutes and text is handled by hangouts. What I really need is data service. What networks (or single network) serve my data needs most cost competitively? I'm not well versed in the roaming deals between those 2 countries.
Normally I would agree. I'm more concerned with persons who magically manage to create a new desktop and wonder where all their apps that they had open went. Luckily a quick explanation of ctrl + Win + L arrow or crtl + Win + D should resolve it...once I explain that yes they hold down the first 2 keys then tap the 3rd, what the win key looks like (yes, I do work in IT for an engineering company), get frustrated, remote in and do it myself, finally going to my calendar to schedule a beating for the GPO guy for not reversing this setting.
I the not normal tech person really like virtual desktops, not sure I have the fortitude yet to support it.
i got O365 for free when I bought Office 2013 pro using my companies (massive) discount. It turns out since I am in school, and Office for android was release not long after, I have really taken advantage of the cloudy features of Office. Since I do most of my schoolwork in Excel, for reasons that are not relevant here, it makes it easy to do the work at home and then have it checked and graded on my phone at school. In short I like was MS is doing with Office and I wish them the best of luck.
Would be nice but LAUSD is looking for a more drop in and be done with it portable solution. Also something that garners favor with the vendors I'm sure.
I was annoyed when I first heard about the ipad deployment since it was essentially no-bid, 2nd when in the trial run the students "hacked" the devices by deleting the MDM profiles so they could browse facebook and install apps.
-Annoyed Los Angeles resident.
MS's recent numbers seem to contradict your comment. Are their devices achieving the success that Apple devices receive? No. Is there growth in their lines? Yes. As a frequent reader of many tech news sites (El Reg, you are still my fav), I see even techcrunch, who constantly has their olfactory organ squarely up Apples' posterior, even praising MS for what they are doing with their various hardware lines. In short MS is selling hardware and shocks of shocks someone is actually buying.
TBF I do want a Surface 3.
That trick they pulled with the surface 3 where it switches between tablet and desktop depending on the presence of a keyboard, that is all I wanted. Win 8 has been really solid for me but the touch UI goes unused even though I have a touchscreen laptop. At least I know my important keyboard shortcuts so its largely a non-issue for me.
Chrome syncs my pages from the desktop to desktop to laptop to phone and to tablet. Pictures are auto sync'd to G+ ( yes I do use it). You should know the kindle app. And news is done with pulse, currents, and flipboard which of course sync respectively between devices and come with handy tablet friendly UI's. And of course this is all syncing between a Xoom, gnex, and N4.
And my favorite part.
"well I sign into my mac and all my stuff downloads and syncs" as a recent convert to Apple told me recently. My response being "If I sign into gmail then all my stuff is there too, no synching required." Their response: "...".
I know I'm tied to El Goog but at least I know what they are doing with my data.
Being an Android user I am finding that there are a larger quantity of higher quality apps available that I am willing to part with a few dollars over. Also to be fair discover-ability is bad on the play store but the "People who looked at this also viewed...." list becoming more relevant...at least to my untrained eye.