* Posts by 1990 nerd

5 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Mar 2010

StreetView passed by Kiwi cops

1990 nerd


So did the nz police take the data from google that was captured so they now have a copy of all hot wi fi spots great. I bet they put that to good use

Intel snaps up McAfee in $7.68bn deal

1990 nerd

intel cpu

sorry you are not running a McAfee security product your Intel quad MAF security pro CPU will now only run on 3 cores. And sorry we dont support Linux only windows based OS

Want to use WD diagnostics? Buy Windows

1990 nerd

seagate only

WD have always had crap drives I have always used seagate trusted and reliable, I use windows and Linux and to all the windows fan boys get over it, windows is only good for gaming and malware and viruses and hacks. So when microsoft go cloud are you going to by a terminal or start using linux may be you just buy a ps3 lol.

Leaked details on HP iPad challenger reveal tight fight

1990 nerd

and IBM

Ibm will be releasing there ibook soon as well, looks like a book and comes in soft covers or hard covers.

PS3 update to rid all consoles of Linux support

1990 nerd

makes me want to hack it even more now

well I always hated Sony products in not being able to change and buy standard parts sd cards root kits etc.

I would gues more people would proberly have a better go at breaking there PS3 and be able to run what you want and maybe even flash your own updates now that would be cool.

xecuterPS3 :)