I like “stylet” , it sounds at once diminuitive and stylish. Surprised the marketing drones haven't abused it yet.
Posts by stupormundi
71 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Mar 2010
SEX-starved worm can GIVE HEAD to ITSELF to reproduce
Samsung offers $90,000 if you can fix California's epic drought with tech
Tinder Plus charges oldies MORE to ogle young hotties' pics
East Timor was officially removed from the internet yesterday
Canonical goes all Internet of Stuff with Ubuntu for DRONES
Bacon-smoking locals provoke noxious Chinese smog
Lies, damn pies and obesity statistics: We're NOT a nation of fatties
Short, British lives
While I agree there's everything wrong with the BMI, you guys are still fat, especially the girls. And getting fatter all the time. Not a big surprise, considering how the shops sell nearly exclusively processed "food". Don't believe the nice man who says it's all not so bad, you're screwed.
Not pro Bono: Apple's audio junk mail made spammers' lives easier
why this happen?
Lovin the Irish Boy Band joke.
As for why this happened. Last year, when they were about to elect a new pope, I was crossing my fingers that Bono would get it, as it was the position he'd been angling for all his life.
Alas, some other guy got the gig, and Bono was left with nothing, having to look for new ways to penetrate people's butts, and voila: suprise U2 downloads.
'Ribbed' for your pleasure: Jony Ive unveils NAKED IPHONE
UK.gov! frets! over! Yahoo! exodus! to! RIPA-free! Dublin!
Samsung: Men, our Gear smartwatch will make you a hit with the sexy ladies
Hankering for a Nobel Prize? EAT MORE CHOCOLATE
OFFICIAL: Humans will only tolerate robots as helpful SLAVES
PSF warns on angry trademark attacks: Python coders, this is not our way
Can BlackBerry survive? Well, the woods are still full of bear poo
GNOME project picks JavaScript as sole app dev language
Drop that can of sweet pop and grab a coffee - for your sanity's sake
Prime Minister on Twitter: Me and Obama, we're like THAT
Mexico to Apple: You WILL NOT use the name 'iPhone' here
Hactivist crew smacks down Russia.gov: Spies are RICH enough
Steve Jobs' Apple-powered yacht makes belated first trip
Übertroll firm bags DRM patent for 3D printing
Apple pays up for stealing design from Swiss Railways
Can neighbours grab your sensitive package, asks Post Office
Are you a hot BABE in heels and a short skirt? SCIENCE is for YOU
Dinosaurs on a diet shed tonnes
Confused by the 21% -- I understood 21% meat for 100% entire animal -- have I got it the wrong way round? When buyinig 1kg chicken, I expect to see more than 210g of meat I think, even if the head and feet are still on, giblets included. Even with an animal that's not optimized for being eaten 21% seems low.
Standing NEXT to an HTML coder is like standing NEXT TO GOD
Apple sued for every touchscreen device by Flatworld prof
Euro climate probe Envisat silenced, boffins baffled
Apple drops 'thermonuclear' patent bombshell
Eric Schmidt flicks INTERSTELLAR TOWEL at top tech fair
Apple lands slide-to-unlock patent blow on Motorola

Sirius Cybernetics Corporation
Darn, I should've patented moving the arm in a circular fashion until the flat of the hand loudly contacts the signal-recipient's cheek to indicate that they're WAY out of line. Seems bit late now.
I stand by my opionion that people who attempt to patent gestures will be the first up against the wall when the revolution comes.
European Parliament prez slams ACTA 'in current form'
iPad Fleshlight lets fanbois express their love
New ATLAS particle part of 'everyday mass'
Winning new UK pylon design may never be used
Mozilla forces Firefox 7 on memory diet
frikkin FF 7
I was happy when I first read FF7 would use less mem. I've got a slow netbook with a gig of RAM, FF was typically eating most of my ram.
Now that I have FF7, as soon as I have a couple tabs open (like 4 or so), the bloody thing starts to use up most of my CPU cycles for long periods of time. Irritating as hell. First I suspected bad JS on specific pages to be the cause, but after seeing it consistently no matter where I browse, I'm thinking it must be the brower itself.
And I'm not sure it really does use much less ram. It does at the moment, because I don't dare open more tabs. Aaaargh.