* Posts by gfendle

1 publicly visible post • joined 24 Mar 2010

Sure Signal not so sure



I actually received a free VSS from Vodafone because of my relentless complaining about the iPhone problems I was having. However, over the last two to three weeks there have been a considerable number of system wide outages that have affected everybody. That much is clear from some of the staff comments on the eForums. To say that a few users have been affected is an outright lie.

Further, the nature of some of the problems with the VSS can cause your router to reboot. There was a series of outages a few days ago that coincided with my router problems caused by malformed packets sent from the VSS.

I contacted the ASA and they can do nothing due to the nature of the advertising on the Vodafone site. They advised me to contact Trading Standards, but the TS always advise you to contact the supplier first.

I checked the VF T&Cs, and it seems to me that they're covered in that guaranteeing something on the website in the way they have doesn't actually mean a damn thing, frankly. They're covered.

After the last period of outages, and before I contact Trading Standards, I started a topic on the eForums asking for clarification on the nature of said guarantee (http://forum.vodafone.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=54475). That was on March 13th and there is still no meaningful response from VF on what is information that should readily be to hand.

With these problems and the abject denial and lies from second line support and eForum staff over ongoing iPhone problems, I deeply regret renewing my contract with Vodafone.

It's a lesson learned.