* Posts by monty75

408 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Mar 2010


Small ISPs 'probably' won't receive data retention order following IP Bill


It's almost as if they don't have a plan for implementing. Where have I heard that before? *cough*Brexit*cough*

KCL staff offered emotional support, clergy chat to help get over data loss


Re: Hummm...

More likely he'll get a promotion for his sterling work in managing the crisis.

Your body reveals your password by interfering with Wi-Fi


It'll confuse the hell out of them when I'm playing my Theremin.

Google BigQuery TITSUP caused by failure to scale-yer workloads


If only there was some kind of documentation on how to avoid causing yourself an embarrassing DoS http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/11/10/how_to_avoid_ddosing_yourself/

Karhoo who? Uber challenger shuts down after burning through $250m


Running offices in four countries can't have helped their cashflow.

Tesco Bank limits online transactions after fraud hits thousands


Re: Tesco bank accounts...

Unexpected item in the banking area

Dyn dinged by DDoS: US DNS firm gives web a bad hair day


It's affecting Mashery too and therefore customers who run their APIs through Mashery. As I discovered when the phone started ringing with people complaining the Getty Images plugin on our Wordpress site stopped working.

Donald Trump running insecure email servers


Where does he find such a hardworking firewall? Must be an immigrant firewall.

Audit sees VeraCrypt kill critical password recovery, cipher flaws


Re: You'd think this would get government funding..

A bigger benefit would come from persuading government agencies to actually use encryption. The number of breaches that came from unencrypted data being passed around far outweigh those caused by someone exploiting bugs in encryption software.

Also (black helicopter alert!), why would the government want us plebs to have strong encryption?

Apple’s macOS Sierra update really puts the fan into 'fanboi'


My 2010 Macbook Pro used to run nice and quietly. My 2015 one requires ear defenders if I do anything more complicated than checking my emails. I presume Apple's quest for ever slimmer, slinkier kit is creating ever more strain on the airflow.


On El Capitan my Macbook Pro already whirrs enough to worry air traffic control. I think I might pass on Sierra until it's got a few point releases under its belt.

FBI wants to unlock another jihadist’s iPhone


Re: unlocked ? WTF?

I had to read your comment three times before I spotted the error. Really must be time to go home.

You heard right: Huawei's making phones in Chennai


Illustrated with a picture of the Taj Mahal - almost 1000 miles from Chennai.

Apple to crunch iOS 10 local backup password brute force hole


Re: Weakening

Hopefully it's a cock-up rather than a conspiracy.

Dropbox apologies for clunky administrator account access on Macs


Final straw

Well that's the final push I needed to migrate all my Dropbox files over to Nextcloud on my own server.

Microsoft takes shot at Amazon as it wraps up UK cloud data centres


"A firm number two" - that's one way of describing Microsoft.

L0phtCrack's back! Crack hack app whacks Windows 10 trash hashes


Re: Car reg + serial number

"That's amazing. I've got the same combination on my luggage."

Funny story, this. UK.gov's 'open banking app revolution'. Security experts not a fan of it


Competition and Markets Authority

Promoting competition in the market for your stolen personal data.

Reminder: IE, Edge, Outlook etc still cough up your Windows, VPN credentials to strangers


Re: I'm calling FUD

Same here. Tried it on Windows 7 and Windows 10. No NTLM hash for either.

White hat banned for revealing vulns in news sites used by London councillors


My eyes!!

"It would be fair to say the visual presentation of the sites hints at there being security problems," Tierney says.

No kidding! I thought my Chrome browser had been stolen from me and replaced with Netscape.

PM resigns as Britain votes to leave EU


They'll rebrand themselves as the people's party and press for an early General Election which I suspect they'll do quite well in.

Lester Haines: RIP


Gutted. Lester's articles were always just the right mix of humour and information.

Apple quietly launches next-gen encrypted file system


Case sensitive for now

Apple's documentation says "Filenames are currently case-sensitive only" which would suggest that that won't always be the case.

Inside Project Loon – Google's megaplan to build a global internet


Turns out you can track the Loons on Flightradar24 - if that's something that appeals to you https://www.flightradar24.com/blog/keep-your-eye-on-the-hbal-tracking-project-loon-balloons/

Peer tables motion to kill vaping rules


It's a spectacularly poor piece of regulation but I wouldn't get your hopes up about it being overturned.

Devs claim charger uses 'photosynthesis' power battery charger


I'm no physicist but this sounds like snake oil to me. Any peer-reviewed papers supporting their claims?

Come get your free Opera VPN (and bring along something to read)


Better in Europe

Just given it a try. You can choose from a few VPN locations. Using Germany I get pretty decent speed test results. That could just be because it's outside business hours in Europe. Will have to try again in the morning.

Vinyl LPs to top 3 million sales in Blighty this year


The Biz

Thumbs up for the Chris Sievey referencing sub-head.

Millions menaced as ransomware-smuggling ads pollute top websites


Re: Paid for?

All the way back to a stolen credit card I suspect.

AdBlock replaced blocked ads with ads for Amnesty International


And I replaced Adblock with uBlock Origin. As much as I might support the objectives of Amnesty International I don't appreciate having my web pages manipulated in ways I didn't ask for.

David Cameron hints at Budget law change to end mobile not-spots


“Ten years ago we were all rather guilty of leading campaigns against masts"

Translation : "Ten years ago we were talking bollocks about a subject we don't understand and now we're talking contradictory bollocks on the same subject we still don't understand"

All-American Apple challenges US gov call for iOS 'backdoor'


They want the suspect's Reminders list

- Buy milk

- Take out the trash

- Bring about a new caliphate by murdering dozens of infidels

- Send mum's birthday card


Re: The precedent is the thing

A Slashdotter has posted what appears to be a thorough description of how the iPhone handles encryption and why this court order is asking for the impossible http://yro.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=8756397&cid=51524693

Philae's phinal phlop: Lonely lander didn't answer wakeup signal


And I thought I had problems when I accidentally disabled the SSH daemon on a box 5000 miles away.

The Register's entirely serious New Year's resolutions for 2016


"We're also conscious that the web can now host any form of content, but we rely heavily on the written word."

Please, $DEITY, don't start doing video articles, at least not without a transcript. I can scan a page of text and get the pertinent points from it far more easily than I can watch a video.

Linode: Back at last after ten days of hell


Re: Curious

You might want to look at fail2ban. It'll dynamically firewall off any IPs that make more than a user-definable number of failed login attempts.

Brian Krebs criticises PayPal’s security as authentication flaws exposed


Re: Worse for us

You've misunderstood my point. The fact that 2FA can be bypassed by a user leaves open the opportunity for a bad actor to bypass it. It should be 2FA or no access.


Worse for us

As far as I can figure out, Paypal's 2FA offering for the UK is a code sent by SMS. If you don't have your phone to hand, or can't be arsed to look at it, you can bypass the whole process by answering two security questions. It's always the same two questions. So, one person peering over your shoulder, a keylogger or just someone who's able to do some basic research to find your mum's maiden name and your 2FA becomes sweet FA.

Linode's crippling cyber-siege enters day four


And, once again, they're titsup.com. Surely they should have some mitigation in place by now?

Ofcom spins out Wi-Fi checker app just in time for Christmas


Re: What mobile app?

Look in the Apple or Google appstores.

TalkTalk incident management: A timeline


D'oh the irony!

Currently on TalkTalk's homepage is this AOL article:

"Protect yourself from phone scams

Hackers could not access enough information to take cash from bank accounts. Don't get tricked into giving your details over the telephone"

El Reg celebrates Back to the Future Day


Apparently VW have been cheating on the Mr Fusion nuclear emission tests.


Erm, you might want to wipe the browsing history on these glasses before you let mom use them.


+1 for knowing where your towel is.


Yeah, I bought it by fax from Amazon.

WordPress blogger patch foot-drag nag: You're tempting hackers


Wordfence is your friend. It should be installed by default on Wordpress sites.

WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg


The Health and Safety department's approach to carpal tunnel syndrome prevention was unorthodox to say the least.


It was at this point that Kate began to suspect that the phone call she received wasn't really from Windows Support.

For just $400 you can have this Raspberry Pi – and mine bitcoin



The two most important specifications are the two that are conspicuously absent : power consumption and hashrate.
