* Posts by monty75

408 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Mar 2010


Three-hour outage renders Nest-equipped smart homes very dumb


Re: Did I read that right...

Probably no worse than losing a purse that's got your house keys and driving license in.


Re: "Everything is down. Can't watch my child fall asleep. Fix. This. Now."

Don't worry. There's probably some 15 year old script kiddie watching your child sleep instead.

We've found it! A cloud-and-AI angle on the royal wedding


Hopefully more accurate than the cops' system

Although accidentally arrested 90% of the wedding party would certainly liven the occasion up a bit

PGP and S/MIME decryptors can leak plaintext from emails, says infosec professor


Re: It seems it's a vul'n in HTML parsing in some clients

Came to post the same links. Responsible disclosure should work both ways : don't reveal exploits before a patch is available but also don't put out half the story with a load of Chicken Little hyperbole and cause panic.

Blighty: If EU won't let us play at Galileo, we're going home and taking encryption tech with us


Can’t believe no one said it yet

“UK stomps off in a sulk, mumbling something about its own satellite constellation”

With hookers and blackjack. In fact, forget about the satellite constellation.

Tech bribes: What's the WORST one you've ever been offered?


I seem to be collecting packs of playing cards from various vendors. Odd choice as it kind of suggests their products are a gamble.

UK spy agency warns Brit telcos to flee from ZTE gear


Well they're both outside the M25 so they might as well be on Pluto.

Anon biz bloke wins milestone Google Right To Be Forgotten lawsuit


Re: I predict an appeal

BBC are saying that Google accepts the ruling.

Lib Dems, UKIP's websites go TITSUP* on UK local election launch day


And zero f***s were given

My PC makes ‘negative energy waves’, said user, then demanded fix


Deus ex mac

A person of my acquaintance was complaining that her Mac was typing random nonsense of its own accord. After a bit of investigation it transpired she'd somehow managed to hit the hotkey combination that turned on voice dictation and the Mac was merrily trying to transcribe the office chatter around her.

Wanna work for El Reg? Developers needed for headline-writing AI bots


Re: Indeed

“And is looking to take a pay cut”

Manchester Arena attack: National Mutual Aid Telephony system failed


Re: Holy **** you can't make this stuff up.

b) not making anyone aware of it happening.

This is the bit that stood out for me. Outsourcing the service then not even informing the end user who to get hold of when there's a problem.

How do you make those darn code monkeys do what you want? Just give 'em a little nudge


Zapp Brannigan writes

I like my women like I like my DevOps framework

EAST – Easy, Attractive, Social, Timely

El Reg deep dive: Everything you need to know about UK.gov's pr0n block


Bang on!

I, for one, am happy that El Reg has given the innuendos a good seeing to this time.

Techies building UK web smut age check tools: You'll get a spec next week


Re: Shoved down our throats

You asked for an innuendo? Allow me to give you one.


Re: Over 18?

Yes and yes.

Ugh, of course Germany trounces Blighty for cyber security salaries


In my experience, ticking boxes on a checklist and writing policies that are ten years behind best practice (eg changing your password every six weeks).

Stephen Hawking dies, aged 76


So long and thanks for all the physics

Man who gave interviews about his crimes asks court to delete Google results


Re: Win for the Lawyers

The difference is that barbers don't usually try to cut their own clients and bleed them dry.

Unidentified hax0rs told not to blab shipping biz Clarksons' stolen data


Re: Don't they have to SERVE the injunction?

AFAIK and IANAL but I believe it can be served by email.

FBI chief asks tech industry to build crypto-busting not-a-backdoor


Re: Have you ever done that thing...

Yes, I have. Just yesterday I did that with the word 'work'.

You are Rihanna and I claim my five pounds

Suspected drug dealer who refused to poo for 46 DAYS released... on bail


Re: Coulkd have been worse

Obviously you should keep your password in an easily digestible form. Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "password dump"

Smartphones to be inescapable, even at 40,000 feet


Sounds like the same service Emirates have been offering for at least the last two years

UK mobile customers face inflation-busting price hike


Re: Pity the poor Vodafone users

CPI and RPI are different things

UK Home Sec Amber Rudd unveils extremism blocking tool


Re: "unnamed algorithm"

The name Maybot is already in use.

John Crace got there long before

MPs: Lack of technical skills for Brexit could create 'damaging, unmanageable muddle'


"Do they think they can finish doing that the week before B-Day and then flick a switch to put the new programs in place?"

Yes. Apparently they do.

You've only gone and committed to becoming cloud native


Re: Cloud Native Foundation is a neutral organisation

" I have no strong feelings one way or the other. "

On the NHS tech team? Weep at ugly WannaCry post-mortem, smile as Health dept outlines plan


Some bright spark's idea of security through obscurity?

Just can't catch a break, can ya, Capita? Shares tumble 40% amid yet another profit warning


Didn't know they owned ParkingArse. Now it all makes sense.

Azure Event Grid goes live, gives world cloudy publish-subscribe model


"Think of it as CORBA brought screaming into the 21st century and you'll begin to understand"

That kind of depends on me having understood it the first time round

Been bugging the boss for a raise? Now's the time to go into infosec


Unfortunately, as usual in this industry, they all want people who have years of experience in a more senior role and who are looking to take a cut in pay and status. Oh, and half a dozen different "industry standard" qualifications that cost 5 grand a pop.

Fancy coughing up for a £2,000 'nanodegree' in flying car design?


Yeah but do they teach you how to make a slick promo video for your Kickstarter vapourware?

Stop us if you've heard this one: Apple's password protection in macOS can be thwarted


Re: `tis a feature

"You're clicking the button wrong"

Proposed Brit law to ban b**tards brandishing bots to bulk-buy tickets


Re: Handling charges

I've had to pay delivery charges on digital tickets I downloaded and printed myself. It's beyond extracting the urine.

Russia threatens to set up its 'own internet' with China, India and pals – let's take a closer look


Re: Russia threatens to set up its 'own internet'...

Dammit. You beat me to it.

Used iPhone Safari in 2011-12? You might qualify for Google bucks


How is anyone supposed to remember, let alone prove, what their browser settings were six years ago?

Lock them up and throw away the (don)key


Male. As described by A A Milne : " The Old Grey Donkey, Eeyore, stood by himself in a thistly corner of the forest, his front feet well apart, his head on one side, and thought about things."

Three useless UK.gov 'catapults' put in Last Chance Saloon


“With the Catapult network’s overall lack of a clearly articulated set of objectives, or a framework for measuring impact"

In other words, it was set up on a political whim for no reason other than to be seen to be "doing something". Again.

Uber, quit shoveling money into the fire for one second and explain that hack – US senators


Re: If they are fined

Maybe the regulator will apply surge pricing

Sci-Hub domains inactive following court order


Streisand Effect

I, for one, have only heard of Sci Hub because of news stories about the takedown attempts.

Samba needs two patches, unless you're happy for SMB servers to dance for evildoers


There's a bucketload of IoT devices out there with Samba sharing open to the world and nigh on zero chance of getting patched. Could get messy.

Connected and self-driving cars are being sent to Coventry


I am genuinely interested to see how they deal with the ring road and it's ridiculous join/leave at the same point junctions.

UK Home Sec thinks a Minority Report-style AI will prevent people posting bad things


She's a Ruddy idiot

UK's NHS to pilot 'Airbnb'-style care service in homeowners' spare rooms


Re: I have a cunning business plan.

Oh, and a patient transport service Uberlance.


Re: I have a cunning business plan.

I’m going to offer an on-demand maternity service and call it Deliveroo

Fog lifts as standards bodies agree on fog compute interoperability


Fog computing? Kill me now.

Your boss asks you to run the 'cloud project': Ever-changing wish lists, packs of 'ideas'... and 1 deadline


Re: "you need a good project manager"

I worked with a PM who stuck to his guns and a couple of months into the project he was sacked for being obstructionist. He got replaced by an affable chap who was very good at sitting in meetings spouting bollocks and the project went into a tailspin.
