Cool. I wasn't planning on doing too much work on Friday anyway.
Posts by monty75
408 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Mar 2010
National Museum of Computing to hold live Enigma code-breaking demo with a Bombe
Equifax IT staff had to rerun hackers' database queries to work out what was nicked – audit
UK networks have 'no plans' to bring roaming fees back after Brexit
Whisky business: Uni of Edinburgh servers Irn-Scru'd by cyber-attack
Article 13 pits Big Tech and bots against European creatives
The eyes don't have it! AI's 'deep-fake' vids surge ahead in realism
Home Office seeks Brexit tech boss – but doesn't splash the cash
Ad watchdog: Amazon 'misleading' over Prime next-day delivery ads
Criminal justice software code could send you to jail and there’s nothing you can do about it
Encryption doesn't stop him or her or you... from working out what Thing 1 is up to
ZX Spectrum Vega+ blows a FUSE: It runs open-source emulator
First low-frequency fast radio burst to grace our skies detected at last
Sitting pretty in IPv4 land? Look, you're gonna have to talk to IPv6 at some stage
Think tank calls for post-Brexit national ID cards: The kids have phones so what's the difference?
Nah, it won't install: The return of the ad-blocker-blocker
BBC websites down tools and head outside into the sun for a while
Brit tech forges alliance to improve cyber security as MPs moan over 'acute scarcity' of experts
CEST la vie, IR35 workers: HMRC sets out stall for ignoring Mutuality of Obligation
Like an everflowing stream: New tech promises remote S3 nearline disk performance
'Toxic' Whitehall power culture fingered for GDS's fall from grace
Hurry up and make a deal on post-Brexit data flows, would you? Think of UK business – MPs
Even if they had a plan 94% of MPs wouldn't read it
'Coding' cockup blamed for NHS cough-up of confidential info against patients' wishes
Sysadmin shut down server, it went ‘Clunk!’ but the app kept running
Re: Label, Label Label
My first job in IT was with a major fibre network provider. They'd grown too fast and hadn't kept proper records of where their fibres actually went and how they were connected up. I was employed to map the network from a pile of surveyor's notes. There were parts of the network where fibre would go down a duct only to have disappeared by the time it got to the next inspection chamber. This was live fibre carrying live traffic so it must have gone somewhere but buggered if we knew where.
Unfortunately, I didn't stay there long enough to find out if they ever tracked it down.
DNS ad-hocracy in peril as ICANN advisors mull root server shakeup
Amazon’s Snowball snowballs as Google's clone gets real and IBM's comes to Europe
Relive your misspent, 8-bit youth on the BBC's reopened Micro archive
Google kills AdWords!
MSDN unleashes a fresh round of unintentional innuendo bingo
Visa fingers 'very rare' data centre switch glitch for payment meltdown
Universal Credit has never delivered bang for buck, but now there's no turning back – watchdog
User spent 20 minutes trying to move mouse cursor, without success
Audit of DeepMind deal with NHS trust: It checks out, nothing to see here
Trump kept ZTE alive as ‘personal favour’ to Chinese president Xi
Apple hit with another faulty hardware lawsuit – this time it's the Watch
British egg producers saddened by Google salad emoji update
Visa Europe fscks up Friday night with other GDPR: 'God Dammit, Payment Refused'
Britain mulls 'complete shutdown' of 4G net for emergency services
Slurp up patient data for algos that will detect cancer early, says UK PM
Hmm, algorithms and cancer screening. I've heard something about that recently