Learn what a computer and an OS are
so you know PC = Personal Computer. Please use the proper terminology that you are talking about Windows versus OS X (operating systems).
5 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Mar 2010
I could've sworn that those OS X apis weren't "public" at the time of testing so they (adobe) couldn't release the support for them: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/gala . Seems like they held it off a bit so they could maybe do some more testing? You know, putting out a quality product and all.
These devices are the same as voting machines. Local/State/Federal governments need to review the code and hardware before purchasing or using it. Like a federal validation org or something. Then they can say that the breathalyzer/speed gun/voting machine meets/exceeds the requirements/reliability/etc.
AC, I'm pretty sure everyone is aware that security by obscurity doesn't work, which is what a closed source system is to software exploits. Safari is based off of WebKit, which last time I checked was opensource. I also remember the article talking about how there were no "weaponized" exploits out there. Doesn't mean there aren't any but it doesn't mean that there are "numerous live exploits on the web"