Unity unsuitable for desktop use
I downloaded the 10.10 netbook version today and let's just say that if this will become the new default desktop, bye bye Ubuntu. I'm sure I'll try to re-gnomify it before completely running away screaming but I doubt such a dumbed-down interface is going to win too many converts. In fact, it'll probably scare away a large chunk of Ubuntu's hard-won user base more than it wins dummy converts.
Some applications use the Mac-style menu at the top, and others have the menu at the top of the application window. Clicking on the file manager "tile" or whatever that square is called results in a full screen kiosk-looking window. And being able to tell the difference between what's running and what's not is about as intuitive as a Mac. In short, if Mark Shuttleworth wants a Mac, then why doesn't he just buy one, and leave GNOME alone? I used to hate GNOME but since the KDE 4 fiasco I've grown to quite like it, but there is absolutely no way I'm going to put up with a sidebar thingy that is as bad as the Mac dock, or worse!
The problem with the sidebar/dock thing is that it's difficult to tell what you've opened since turning on the machine and what's just waiting to be activated. And determining the application with focus will require a magnifying glass or an update to my glasses! The GNOME panel at the bottom is great because it's empty unless I've gone and started something, and the more I start, the more it adds, and switching between different windows in different applications is a breeze. Now I have a bunch of coloured squares, and everything is now at least two clicks away.
After 2.5 years 100% linux usage at home after escaping Windows, it's probably time I grew up and become a Debian user if Ubuntu is going the way of stupidity.