"fed up with the tech industry's inability to regulate itself"
s/inability/deliberate refusal/
18 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Mar 2010
Can't you have the common courtesy to keep the irrelevant, offtopic biblethumping out of a completely unrelated discussion for five bloody seconds?
*SIGH* Obviously not.
Oh well, since you did drag that load of old rot in, I'll give a similarly old reply: "You know that time when the church DID rule the state? They don't call it the Dark Ages for nothing."
Let's be real, there's not a whole lot of "excellent morality" in oppressing the living crap out of scientists, women, atheists, pagans, and every other religion around. But, hey, who cares about that lot, amirite?
[Icon choice should be obvious: to those bitten hard enough by the religion meme, any criticism is Demon Inspired (TM)]
Farcebork's pages look like this:
text you actually want to read BUY IRRELEVANT CRAP more text you came here for BUY ANNOYING CRAP a little bit more actual text BUY THIS USELESS CRAP INSTEAD are you still paying attention to this text anymore BUY MORE CRAP OBEY YOUR OVERLORDS
You're drawing a mighty long bow there, William Tell, er, DiViDeD
Of course "DVT was almost unheard of back then." That doesn't mean the incidence is necessarily any higher now. They'd only just started to officially recognise some of the many medical risks of smoking by the time the ban came in. In the decades since smoking was banned on flights, awareness of the medical consequences of long periods of inactivity has also increased.
And even IF the base number of cases of DVT has gone up since then, that doesn't mean the proportion of cases has risen. The sheer number of flights, and the average length of flights (and therefore the overall number of person-hours in the air) have all gone up tremendously in the decades since smoking was banned.
And even IF the proportion of DVT has gone up since then, how the hell is air quality THE key causal factor in thrombosis, as you claim? A far more likely causal factor would be the way that average legroom/seat width/aisle room/overall cabin space per person has also decreased, making it harder to stretch/move.
How very telling that you lump homosexuality together with bestiality and other fetishes most people would be ashamed to admit.
As for why a CEO of a big company needs to go public, is it too intellectually taxing for you to actually read a single sentence of what he wrote?
"So if hearing that the CEO of Apple is gay can help someone struggling to come to terms with who he or she is, or bring comfort to anyone who feels alone, or inspire people to insist on their equality, then it’s worth the trade-off with my own privacy."
Users don't owe coders appreciation, any more than drivers owe car plant workers appreciation.
Car plant workers/car designers etc. are doing the job they're being paid for PROPERLY if the car doesn't break down, and the driver doesn't have to know everything about what's going on under the hood to make the damn thing go. Drivers just want to get from point A to point B, and THAT IS FINE.
Similarly, coders are doing the job they're being paid for PROPERLY if the software doesn't break down and the user doesn't have to think about the code.
By your own argument, if you don't blueprint your own engines OMG YOU DON'T DESERVE TO DRIVE!
No, dear, coders are not Super Special Snowflakes. Their salaries are ultimately being paid by the users, and they are employed to meet the users' needs. The users care about getting their job done, not about code. Code is your job, not theirs. Deal with it.