* Posts by Mark Thomas 3

15 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Mar 2010

'SHUT THE F**K UP!' The moment Linus Torvalds ruined a dev's year

Mark Thomas 3
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Small man syndrome

This guy is a complete tool. Seriously. I can't stand him.

iPhone 5: the fab slab to grab

Mark Thomas 3
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Doesn't matter


TuneIn Radio Pro

Mark Thomas 3
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It's great

This is one of the first apps I put on my devices.

Have it on iPhone, iPad and my Android tablet. It is easily one of the best radio apps out.

Highly recommended.

O2 quietly cans gratis Cloud Wi-Fi connectivity

Mark Thomas 3
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Got 3 texts and an email.

Mark Thomas 3

They did...

I got at least three text messages advising of this, so they were not quiet on the subject.

Skype arrives on fondleslab

Mark Thomas 3
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Check before posting.

This isn't available on app store as it was removed again as was reported by most other tech sites. I thought you had some insider info but instead you didn't research. Damn your eyes.

'NATO RESTRICTED': The lowest possible classification

Mark Thomas 3


When I was a sparker in the Navy, the definition of restricted is "release of information would be undesirable to the host country" or something.

Still hard not to type it "R E S T R I C T E D" (You had to be there)

Facebook bigger than Jesus online in 2010

Mark Thomas 3
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I still don't understand...

...why people actually search for Facebook.

Are they /that/ stupid that they can't go to www.facebook.com? Obviously.

Yahoo! search! accordion! prods! you! to! squeeze! box!

Mark Thomas 3

Annoying now...

The ! are getting boring. Please stop it.

Gmail pushes onto the iPhone

Mark Thomas 3


Was already there - just had to use the built in exchange setup instead of Google Mail.

Why this is suddenly news I dont know.

'The internet's completely over', declares petulant Prince

Mark Thomas 3

Jumped up...

...stumpy little cock.

That is all.

Free 'sat lav' app locates loos for bursting punters

Mark Thomas 3
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"Toilet Finder is available now free from the UK App Store."

No it isn't - just tried.

I'm busting for a piss too.

O2 to step back from unlimited mobile data deals

Mark Thomas 3
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Well thats just great.

How sucky.

Facebook gives users' names to advertisers

Mark Thomas 3
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...getting bored of all this privacy crap now. If you don't want it public don't put it on-line. Is it really that hard?

Google Wave opens extensions gallery

Mark Thomas 3
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They are a load of shite.