Maybe they forgot to evict the Pigeons and their poop again!? It's Happened before, The receiver gave false readings! BBC Horizon, The Death Star.
Posts by Jamie 14
9 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Mar 2010
Years after we detected two neutron stars crashing into each other, we're still picking up X-rays. We don't know why
Excite Email!
Sunday 31st March 2019 21:31 GMT
Excite Email!
First please I am sorry that i could not find the appropriate forum! for this topic!
If poss could it be moved!?
I have been a The Register member for many years! But this is my first Forum post!
Also I have had the same personal email address since 1998!
Used it since being a member on here!
I have had many email address for work! But I relied on this email when looking for other work!
21 years no probs! Until a few days ago! It seems changed servers around! And the poo as hit the fan!