* Posts by JohnnyWas

5 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Mar 2010

Cameron cocks up UK's defences - and betrays Afghan troops



With regards to the trimming of the Chinook order, if I remember correctly the delivery date was some time AFTER the planned withdrawal from Afghanistan making ti a nice purchase for Boeing but not one that would have helped our troops on the frontline.

It made a nice bit of PR fluff for McBroon but very little operational sense.

Cisco Flip Mino HD 8GB video camera

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Because an iPod Touch is a music player

Fair point, why not get an iPod. Well, as the old saying goes, it's horses for courses. The iPod is a great music player, it has more memory and greater battery life but it lacks a digital zoom, image stabilisation, a more sensibly placed lens, the "flip" USB connector and inbuilt editing software [although iMovie and even Windows Movie Maker are better] but the real killer - from my perspective, is the tripod mount.

Even using a little Gorilla tripod delivers great stable images

Microsoft, Adobe merger? Yeah, right


Madobe anyone?

The post is required, and must contain letters. - title says it all

Sony Ericsson Zylo



I thought Sony had gone and bundled a cassette Walkman into a mobile phone. I really miss the tape getting snagged, that hiss, the wow and flutter as the tape stretched/tape transport wobbled and the need to click open a cover to change tapes....oh, wait, at least I did not have to dismantle my Walkmen to change tapes.....maybe mobile phone co.s COULD learn from the past.

Mines the one with the lopsided pocket cos it's full of tapes

Home Secretary swats away calls for Mosquito ban


Mosquito and I thought it was Tinitus

Title says it all really......