* Posts by Rufus Nice

7 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Mar 2010

Former model sues Universal over 'x-rated prop' outrage

Rufus Nice

Irina Krupnik I really feel for you

Seriously, people. Bit of perspective might be in order. The general public are too wrapped up in their preconceived ideas of what is morally right and wrong to even consider the fact that cracking one off to a picture of her in a bikini is really good for you. If what Irina Krupnik said is true...and so far it seems to be so...the people who propagated this inaccurate rubbish must be held to account. Is this really all people can think about anymore?

Body of James Brown disappears from family tomb

Rufus Nice
Dead Vulture

Get Up Offa That Thing

It makes me sick. Seems we've come a long way from the days when people protested the horror of body snatching. Am afraid James Brown is as useful as a chocolate tea pot. Spare us the charade for pity's sake!

Cryptome: PayPal a 'liar, cheat and a thug'

Rufus Nice

Aw diddums

Let's be honest, I think we should finally accept that Cryptome's frozen account doesn't work. Sick of John Young whining. Is there no end to PayPal's face-saving measures? They can stick this in their pipe and smoke it as far as I'm concerned!!!

Microsoft boffin scoops Turing Award

Rufus Nice

Twas ever thus

Oh here we go again. All we hear about is Turing Award. Chuck Thacker I really feel for you. This just shows us Microsoft's real agenda. No... Just No.

NY chef offers mam cheese canapes

Rufus Nice

I'm with septics on this one.

You really can't be serious. This is now getting ridiculous. How much confusing breastfeeding with sex is needed to do anything these days? I'm with septics on this one. Is this really all people can think about anymore?

Rufus Nice

Call it what it is, and be done with it: breast milk cheese

This is just typical. All we hear about is breast milk cheese. Whatever faults Daniel Angerer might have, at least he's someone who's actually done something significant, unlike a lot of the people criticizing him. Stupidity reigns supreme in New York Post circles once again. Wake up! You are programmed!

Max Clifford takes £1m to drop hack probe

Rufus Nice

All we hear about is phone hacking

It's sad but true. This is now getting ridiculous. How much phone hacking is needed to do anything these days? Someone criticised Max Clifford ? Disgraceful. The News of the World have a lot in common with that 18th century Mary-Ann Twanet in their "Let them eat cake" attitude. This is not an exaggeration.