Americans Have A First Amendment Right To Hear Other Points Of View
So far, I still get RT online on my laptop. RT and Sputnik are easily my two favorite online news channels. I watch them for the news which they present honestly, and I don't really care if they have some ulterior motive for presenting honest news. If my country seizes the online news websites of RT and Sputnik, I would like to register as a foreign agent for Russia and litigate my own First Amendment rights claim. Registering as a foreign agent would simply be a precaution since being a foreign agent is not a crime, but failing to register as one is a crime. To that end, I would probably register as a foreign agent for Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Columbia and China as well. I have never watched Iran's 'Press TV,' but it bothers me that I cannot watch it because the website was seized by the FBI. In this current hotbed of my own government's support for Israel's genocidal mass murders of Palestinians, I think it would be beneficial as an American to hear Iran's point of view.
I believe that our democracy will benefit from hearing all points of view, regardless of whether foreign speakers have a self-serving agenda. I don't trust the Justice Department and the FBI to be better judges than myself about the merits of foreign points of view. I want US officials to keep their jackboots off the neck of my First Amendment right to hear foreign points of view. If these officials just can't allow that, then maybe they should all move to Israel and be jackboot thugs there. They will be appreciated there.