Re: Nice article! @Thomas 4
my local Thorntons have converted to an 'outlet' shop, selling at 50% discount - not a good sign if you ask me.
227 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Mar 2010
I'm going to go with one you mentioned - WH Smiths. Name ONE thing they do that other corner shops etc. don't? Apart from depth of magazines available (and that can be fixed with a subscription), they are just a big corner shop.
Thorntons, as you say, they can go online so you lose the high street but they don't go 'under' as such, so they aren't in the running for this question (yet).
After the Gadget shop died on it's arse, I'm surprised that MenKind is still going... didn't gadget shopping on the internet kill those kids of places?
So many to choose from, I feel quite morbid.
And if every company expects people to move to 'greener pastures', and none of them train? They ALL get saddled with idiots (arguably what is actually happening in the industry now anyway).
You are playing a suckers game, absorbing costs that your employer should be absorbing.
Next week, bring a bucket. Other companies don't have toilets, so you can take your bucket with you. You pay for the bucket, the company save on toilet cleaning costs, you get to shit in a bucket - BONUS!
That is yet another part of the work 'contract' that has gone, along with security in a job and pensions etc. If your employer doesn't pay, and no other employer does, but they don't increase your wage to cover it, then they've just successfully offset a business expense to YOU - that's a sucker's deal.
At that point, apart from a monthly salary (which in the current environment isn't guaranteed anymore, neither is loyalty, respect etc.) what are we doing working for these assholes?
As you say, they are lucky it is most of our's hobby, I've got a small network I run at home for my family, but that's MY thing, and it's not for my employer to offset a business cost to me.
Anybody else a bit pissed off at this? The defeatist attitude is worrying.
I think you've missed the point here - I've seen other articles where the front-end guys were butting heads with the server side guys as to what APIs were available/workable/efficient. Ok, so their html is great and handles it just as fine as the native - the proxy is CLEANING UP the returned data to allow for quicker access/rendering - that is ALSO something Facebook should've done but possibly didn't (server guys vs client guys).
What I see is a responsive HTML5 app that is just as quick as the native app, with some back end tweaks (that Facebook didn't do obviously) thrown into the mix to allow the HTML5 to compete with a native app - no smoke and mirrors?
I use custom addresses for each form I fill in, so I KNOW the spam has come from them selling/leaking my address - as well as several calls from those helpful 'claim back money' companies or surveys - some of whom plainly said 'it may be because you put your phone number into a price comparison website'.
Simple - I block that address entirely, but confused cannot then email me deals etc. Their loss.
Well, I'm sort of partially leaving the console systems (PS3) and feel like a move to PC gaming is on the cards. Thanks to an article on the register a while back (Trevor on Alienware) I now have a laptop PC capable of playing most modern games at high quality, with a hdmi connector.
Connect that easily portable device to my TV - use a wireless mouse/keyboard and I'm away - with much more customisability and freedom.
Playing Skyrim from the Steam sale (in 'Ultra' mode) and looking at the available modifications? Astounding! I think the PS3 is going to one of the kids eventually, as the laptop also has a Blu-ray drive so I don't even need the ps3 for that!
Will it be out of date soon? Yes, but I can just ramp down the graphics, still playable. AND I can do actual WORK on it to subsidise it if I so wish - Win/Win.
Am I a convert/turncoat/member of the PC master race? I don't care really, just seems like the most flexible option.
The campaign is still a 'little' stiff - you do have to wait in line for the NPCs to open doors occasionally etc. - but there are different paths through levels, there are choices that affect later level outcomes, airplane shoot em ups and even RTS sections that affect overall games play - and you get to customise your loadout in campaign single player.
Overall, I'm impressed with the campaign, getting used to the MP (explosive flechettes FTW), but sadly Zombies hasn't lived up to expectations (pardon the pun) - I'm a zombie nut but they've ruined it for me... To open and too far removed from previous outings (but I stopped a Kino der Toten and Five, so I may have missed developments since then).
Overall, I'm going to get solid entertainment out of this for a year or so for £38 (Rough three pounds a month!), so for me it's bargain.
Thank you. I was asking for something like that - and before someone goes off on the JFGI bandwagon - I'm not a journalist and I read the register to get bitesize items of digested content - I'm no expert in this area and I'm looking for some editorial content.
If everybody had the time to do the research there'd be no reason for news sites?
Ah, the JFGI response - nice! Thanks for that, wasn't aware of search engines, having not been using them since Altavista et al.
I was sort of hoping for a more clued-in response at the moment, maybe a follow up article will give more details (this is a news site, after all). Without analysis this list is nothing but that, a list. TELL ME why it is so important!
and within 20 seconds had pledged £20. I don't see the downside personally - £20 in year and a bit for a full game with some nice personalised extras? What's not to like?
Additionally, if it all goes titstup.com the most I've lost is £20.
No brainer.
(Was anybody else stupefied when the realised there was an entire galaxy modeled on a single density floppy (AmigA)? I STILL am!)
Where do they go? Fully automated? Who then has a job and money to BUY the product. Companies are amoral and only care for the profit motive (fair enough, it's legislated for), but at some point they run out of cheap labour and THEN the big movement happens...
I'd LOVE to live in a post-scarcity economy (Star Trek et al) but I don't think I or my kids are ever going to see it, a few powerful interests want to keep the economic benefits to themselves.
and I buy games regularly as normal - but I'm looking forward to when the PS4 is released and this console becomes obsolete - at that point this work that is being done to crack it will mean it can still have a meaningful life.
Mine's the one with a free for all open PSN network for out of date hacked PS3s.
Yes, but it's just NOT competitive unless you are a cave-dweller! And a virtual copy is only good while Sony let you have it - no resale etc. means it's actually LESS valuable than the actual disc.
Personal choice I guess, but I'd LOVE to see the purchase figures on those things - I can't imagine they'd be that good considering the local stores have them on discount pretty much from day 1 - if not Amazon and hundreds of other places online. As you say, it could be convenience, but downloading 8Gb of data for most people - you probably COULD have gone out and got it quicker in meatspace...
Disclaimer - I HAVE bought PSN stuff, but not at full price or only for stuff that was not available on disc previously.
Depending on your PVR it loses serieslink recording stuff - so if you have a dozen or so links to programmes it LOSES THEM ALL and then you need to enter them all back in - by hand.
If you just have a dumb Freeview box no biggie, but PVRs are more of an issue, and I for one am getting fed up with it.
but does it do the channel rejig for you? MY Fox T2 drops all my serieslink recordings on a retune - wasn't cheap either.
Getting quite fed up - my PC needs upgrades, my phone now needs upgrades, my consoles now need upgrades and now MY GODDAMN TV NEEDS UPGRADES!
I'm waiting for my shoes to tell me they need a software upgtrade to stop squeaking.
We can standardise time down to physical contants (vibrating atoms etc.) but we have more difficulty tying down actualities such as periods of time - look at the Jewish Orthodox/Muslim/Far Eastern calendars - all on different timescales but with days as the standard (obviously).
If we could work out how many seconds have occured since the Big bang we might have something to count up from, but as it is we just count from 'signifigant event' upwards.
Anybody remember what Startrek Stardates were based on?
Native apps are almost DESIGNED to be a tie-in. Companies have to gamble which one will bring in the most moolah, and mostly choose iPhone because of the purchasing power - hence Apple get the tie-in bonus!
If you could have something that ran WEB apps on it with native hooks and write-once-run anywhere then this advantage disappears - Boot to Gecko being one of the outcomes.
I DO begrudge paying for duplicate functionailty per platform really - I realise that it takes time to rewrite but that's not MY problem - that's a decision made by the platform incumbents to create an ecosystem that benefits them.
I have to refresh my bloody channel list once all this is sorted out - losing all my scheduled programs. Wonderful - it's obviously the future as it's now EVEN MORE inconvenient than before, but with more flashy menus.
I remember getting excited about Channel 4 launching - how many times did I have to retune back then after than auspicious event? None? I see...
...but html5 doesn't have to be well-formed? You can drop closing tags etc. Which is the major WTF moment for me, but they wanted to keep the standard 'simple' for all those people migrating away from geocities obviously.
Mine's the blink tag with a marquee inside it.
So, instead of using electricity to power the car, you want electricity to generate steam to power the car? Tell you what, lets make it even easier - as somebody mentioned above, air powered cars!
You use green electricity stored in a, I don't know, battery or something, to heat water to boiling point. This steam then runs a powerful compressor that takes in atmospheric oxygen and compresses it and uses THIS compressed air to run the car.
OR we can use the electricity to generate steam to compress air to push water through a hydrogen cracker to separate the components and push them through a catalytic convertor to generate electricity to run the car!
I'm onto something here! (Runs off to patent the electric steam air hydrogen electrolytics powered car)
Girona, says the bacon there isn't up to snuff like UK bacon - so he uses Chorizo instead (BLASPHEMY!). Any comment on the quality of the bacon used in any Spanish tests?
I normally put up with supermarket but dislike the white discharge (water and salts, I know). I'll get the steam up soon to go straight to a butchers and get a proper sliceage.