* Posts by tonycole

5 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Mar 2010

US forces drop dead drug-poison killer mice from helicopters


Er...... How can a snake


Craigslist 'killer' kills himself


Better than Yahoo? Not.......

Any more it would seem....

One of the things I normally enjoy about the comments here is the fact that they are written by people who know how to put a sentence together, and actually think for themselves, as opposed to the normally depressing level of comments one finds on most websites, apparently written by people who have just managed to get their knuckles off the ground long enough to more or less randomly hit the keys to "express" themselves.

The first couple of comments on this one are of that type.... I hope that they are Americans and not English commentators, as the attitudes they espouse are very typical of the good old USA..... Sadly.

Forget the Jesus Phone, here's the Rude Phone


And the French Answer to STD's?

Never to be forgotten, the smallish, but exciting town in west France.... Condom.

Phillies fan tasered for field incursion


America, the land of the free

and fat

E-book buyers favour iPad over Kindle and co.


Apples and Cheese...... again.......

Apart from the fact that they only interviewed a remarkably small number of people for this "survey", I assume that a large number of them had yet to experience any sort of eBooks from the numbers given. Thus in no position to say they preferred one system over another.

Secondly, the iPad is not an eReader in any real sense, it is merely a smallish computer in a different box, and so far as reading is concerned it is the same as any other computer, and suffers from all the faults that caused eReaders to be developed so slowly and painfully over the last few years to address those problems.

Personally I find it unhelpful at the least for the so-called advanced tech thinkers at Apple to attempt to sell the thing as an eReader. Lets see them create a true eReader before we mention Apple in the same breath as devices such as the iRiver, the Onyx, the....... the list is long and full of increasingly interesting devices,, all of whom are excellent devices to read books on, and all the other functions they have are secondary to this main function.

I hate the almost religious aura surrounding Apple, and am in a sort of a way pleased to see that they are as capable of producing lemons as any other company out there.