Not Sewage
Daughter is a civil engineer who specializes in water infrastructure. Sewage lines are not pressurized. Even if it leaked there would be no plume like this. She suggests it is due to a main break underground that is spewing muddy water.
10 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Mar 2010
Nobody doubts "climate change" because climate changes all the time. The only time we have had any significant period of stability was about 10,000 years ago.
The issue is if humans cause any instability and so far the answer is "not that we can determine with certainty". 1910 to 1940 saw the same amount of temperature rise as 1970 to 2000 as we continue to recover from the Little Ice Age.
Isn't "stealing" ice from a glacier like stealing water from the ocean or sand from a desert? Considering the billions of tons of ice, what he could take would likely be negligible. As long as he "stole" his ice from between the maximum winter advance and minimum summer retreat, he "stole" ice that was going to evaporate anyway.
This decision by the UK is consistent with recent US Congressional testimony by the head of the Environmental Protection Agency that there has not been a single documented case of hydraulic fracking having contaminated water supplies.
The cases of methane contaminated water widely publicized are where the water has been contaminated with natural methane seepage long before any fracking was going on. Heck, in Burbank, California, the sidewalk is known to sometimes catch fire from natural gas seeps.
There is an increasing body of information that all these wind farms are causing tremendous damage to bat populations. It is already estimated that bat kills by wind turbines is costing US agriculture billions of dollars in losses due to increased insect damage. This loss of natural pest control is also causing an increase in pesticide application.
These things kill bats, they kill birds, and for no good reason. Shame on Google!