* Posts by burning plastic

5 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Mar 2010

British games company says it owns the idea of space marines

burning plastic

Trademark vs copyright...

Wouldn't be surprised if this was a lawyer reaction to the fact that you can lose a trademark if you don't defend it.

Trademarks are a bit different to normal copyright due to this issue and so the GW lawyers were probably just reacting to a new potential infringement - they may well have memoranda of understanding or similar agreements covering existing uses as that way they could retain the trademark without needing to sue/enforce...


burning plastic


One of the greatest things about lemmings was the music - as soon as I think about the game, I start humming along ;->.

'3-2-1 ... Good Morning Atlantis!'

burning plastic

Such a missed opportunity....

Robin Williams...

Gooooooooooooood Morning Atlantisssssssssss!............

The Wrath of Jobs' latest victim: Motorola

burning plastic


The short version:

1. Apple have one antenna issue specific to this model (the bridging issue).

2. Other companies shouldn't have said their phones have no issues as all phones have signal attenuation when held (how much depends on the specific phone and how it's held, but it is there).

It is perfectly acceptable for Apple to point out (2) and they have acknowledged that (1) may be an issue for some people and are providing a temporary solution until the issue is re-engineered.

While the Apple response may seem a bit over the top, it's not incorrect. It might have been better for them to stay out of this bickering, but it was their decision to make.

*I use Mac / Windows / Linux systems / products regularly and each item has its purpose: ie. whatever works best for the job in hand. I don't see the point of hating any particular setup if there's a viable alternative that works better.

Anti-binge drinking ads add to binge drinking

burning plastic

Kevin at 17?

That really does look like the poster for the next Kevin and Perry film...