* Posts by bobzilla (wigle.net)

4 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Mar 2010

UK data watchdog to quiz Google on Streetview Wi-Fi database

bobzilla (wigle.net)

Welcome to nine years ago

Wireless Geographic Logging Engine: Making maps of wireless networks since 2001. 20,430,834 points from 1,091,231,717 unique observations.


Google Street View logs WiFi networks, Mac addresses

bobzilla (wigle.net)

WiGLE Map of Germany

WiGLE Map of Germany:


Exiled iPhone Wi-Fi apps move to Cydia

bobzilla (wigle.net)

Some things these apps do

Find the least used frequency channels to set our access points to, take surveys of campus wireless coverage, find rogue wifi on a corporate network, or help with wireless mapping projects like http://wigle.net

Apple yanks Wi-Fi detectors from iTunes

bobzilla (wigle.net)

No app for that

At the Wireless Geographic Logging Engine ( http://wigle.net ), a database and mapping system for "Net Stumbling" or "War Driving" hobbyists, we've seen the iPhone provide a low barrier-to-entry for this hobby. It combines a GPS with a Wifi radio, but it can only work when apps like Wifi-Where, WiFiFoFum and others are allowed to exist.

These apps were inspected for months before finally getting through the nebulous App Store approval process. Some have been available for months or even years. Now, arbitrarily, they are banned. If they use API calls that Apple didn't want them to, why were they approved? Why weren't the developers contacted behind the scenes to address any fiddly technical issues Apple might foresee?

As users all we see is a useful app, that was paid for, that now can not be updated. We can't find the least used frequency channels to set our access points to, can't take surveys of campus wireless coverage or find rogue wifi on a corporate network. And we can't help with wireless mapping projects. There's no app for that.