I see you're wanting more lock in.
No paperclip icon
65 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Mar 2010
“But the plans were on display…”
“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”
“That’s the display department.”
“With a flashlight.”
“Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.”
“So had the stairs.”
“But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”
― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
I had a smart meter fitted for electric and gas under one supplier, changed to another supplier and they needed to fit a new one. That's a bit daft from a saving the planet perspective.
Plus the new gas one doesn't read anything. Another engineer is now probably coming out to pull out some isolation tab to make it read something.
My Granddad had an 'infected' iThing. Midweek the conversation went roughly as follows:
"Are you sitting in front of the machine?"
"Shut it down, close the lid and Ill look at it at the weekend".
1 day later, I get a call asking where all his files have gone. PCW had hit the reset option on the Airbook
EPOC was great, then came symbian from what I recall. Designed by meetings after Psion span it off. It was fighting against PalmOS and windows though. The slowdown in bluetooth improvement happened around the same time.
I think a guy called Martin Tasker (not me I hasten to add) wrote EPOC , so a weekend beer to him, wherever he is.
This was an astounding piece of kit back then. Sadly it still would be now. All it would need is an alternative connection to the proprietary one, so WiFi probably, rather than via IR to a modem. Motorola did bring out a version on the 5mx, with a plug in modem. I always forgot the plug in when travelling.
Id like it back with essentially the same keyboard, add WiFi, same OS and drop the rubbish screen cable.
Im not expecting that to happen though.
I remember as a kid when decimalisation came in, all companies rounded up.
I remember when I lived in mainland Europe, and the Euro was introduced, all companies rounded up
GBP was at a parity exchange rate a while back. Companies didn't discount the UK. The general statement back then was xxx company didnt take into account exchange rates.
Rules change to fit the boss staying in their post. The rest seems nonsense to me.
I dont feel a need to upgrade right now. Vista > 7 trashed my red boxed films, and blue boxed are patchy now. That was Cyberlinks problem, but an obvious choice for picking on. Update your OS and it costs!
Windows 7 seems to trundle along quite happily, as did Vista.I dont see the point in paying again.
Ten years ago, I dont think I could have gotten the family to swallow a non windows pill. Mostly the work they did was browser based.
Weened them onto alternate browsers, but smartphones seemed to be the kicker. With a mish mash of Android and iOS, Blackberry (and possibly Bada) browsers on these small devices, the OS seems irrelevant for them.
I cant judge the windows entry into this arena, but I suspect it will be at least as odd as the 2 main ones, less lock in than one, more than the other. But my family now regularly nick my tablet.
I really didnt see that one coming...
Mission successful I guess :)
That explains why I couldnt get access to VM's website. Im happy I didnt phone to complain, just used TIVO instead.
Blocking TPB... On balance I dont have a problem with it as I have never used it. I expect to get payed for my work and so expect to pay someone else for their work. However I understand peoples anger at the excessive pricing the music industry has been responsible for especially in the 80's.
I dont work for any affiliation of VM, but think they are great, and without them im sure Sky wouldnt be as cheap.
Use the gas, get better than 20% efficiency during the process, and plough the profit into building nuclear - not give it away as we did with north sea gas.
And sites for the nuclear stations - well if the gas extractions ruin the environment as much as we are told, there are some obvious sites for it.
Sometimes things are too simple for words.
Im a bit confused now. I just checked my Psion 5 and it still has rounded corners. Ditto my netbook (also psion), and my other netbook (Acer). Last time I saw a palm pilot the icons were also very round.
Id prefer it if people just chose the best product to suit their needs. This spat has stopped people in Germany, Australia and possibly Korea from doing so.