Windows alone is the start of the end
Windows phone or what ever you call it is not what consumers want. Businesses do like it, but only for email interaction without blackberry taxation.
If people wanted Microsoft phones, then they'd be a top 3 OS and handsets flying off the shelves.
Nokia should have simply ditched their own OS systems and focused on hardware for both Microsoft and Android just as Samsung, Motorola and Sony Ericsson have (the other 'old boys' in the mobile hardware market).
Nokia's following was down to the hardware as it was almost always better than the competition which is one of the only reasons the N series sold well and the N95 was such a success.
The s40 series sold because of price, features and durability. The world moved on and Nokia didn't know how to and was left behind by its own stubborness to stick with symbian and not invest in touchscreen technology as it moved to capacitive and away from needing stylus'....