* Posts by Tom Visser

4 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Mar 2010

Google teaches Microsoft's IE9 to love open video codec

Tom Visser


They will probably end up coexisting. H.264 licensing seems to leave open the possibility that the licensors could stick it to you with fees at their absolute discretion. VP8 will hopefully prevent IP holders from abusing power.

2-3 years from now every smartphone will have both VP8 and H264 hardware acceleration.

Tom Visser


I'm sure that Adobe recognizes that this would be a self-defeating move.

Lawyer wants WikiLeaker kept off suicide watch

Tom Visser

US Armed Forces

In response to this article, and several comments, I would like to point out that the military legal system is completely different than the regular legal system in the U.S. There are also many special war-time provisions in military law that apply to the alleged conduct of pfc Manning.

When pfc Manning joined the military he gave up many legal protections that regular U.S. citizens have.

FCC talks National Broadband

Tom Visser
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Good article. Thanks