Your plastic pal who's fun to be with!
Posts by BorkedAgain
686 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Mar 2010
Japanese finally produce a ROBOT which isn't DEAD INSIDE
Strategy Boutique ultimate 'tech'-gasm: 3D printer drone GoPro vid stream QR code
Re: Do some Commentards not get the joke?
I saw this the other day, and had to really concentrate to figure out whether it was a piss-take or not. It's gotten pretty sad that it's so hard to tell these days...
Oh, and " advanced it is high fiving itself coming back..." - nice. Borrowing that, if you don't mind... ;)
Happy Birthday Tetris: It's flipping 30
My work-from-home setup's better than the office. It's GLORIOUS
Re: I can rotate my widescreen TFT into portrait mode
<Alt Gr> - Arrow Key will rotate your screen for you. Handy if your screen doesn't know which way is up (and why would it?) and also a fun way to confuse the hell out of a colleague who's left his machine unlocked while he grabs a cuppa... ;)
Mathematicians spark debate with 13 GB proof for Erdős problem
Ghosts of Christmas Past: Ten tech treats from yesteryear
SuperStride Me: Reg hack spends week working at 'treadmill desk'
Microsoft: You've got it all WRONG. It's Apple's iPad playing catch-up with our Surface
Swedish teen's sex video fine slashed: Unwilling co-star girlfriend furious
Meet the 'KARDASHIAN Phone' – what Apple bods nicknamed the iPhone 5s
Kids hooked up with free Office subs at Microsoft-addicted schools
Re: If you get them young and you will have them for life
Spot on Voland! I had exactly the same song ringing in my head as I read that.
I strive to teach people how to write well, how to analyse accurately and usefully, and how to design effective presentations, not how to use specific packages. I realise I'm in the minority, but that just makes me the more determined.
Leaping SpaceX GRASSHOPPER ROCKET jumps 2,500ft, lands safely
Azerbaijani election app announced winner before polls even opened
Turkish TV presenter canned for flashing too much cleavage
LIVE, my beauty, LIVE! Nokia revives dead phone with LIGHTNING powered Frankencharger
Re: The researcher looks..
I don't know, I thought he looked a trifle pissed off that the proper research he'd like to be doing has been hi-jacked and turned into a publicity stunt by a dying mobile phone brand, probably in return for some much-needed funding. But that's just my interpretation...
Not a/c because, although I also live near Southampton (hey neighbour!) I don't think Dexter has my address. Oh hang on, there's the door...
Great Britain rebuilt - in Minecraft: Intern reveals 22-BEEELLION block map
Brit and Danish boffins propose NSA-proof crypto for cloud computing
TV's goggle gaggle: EVERYBODY'S first with something at consumer tech feast
Five SECRET products Apple won't show today
Panasonic whips out MONSTER fondleslab for serious S&M sessions
Dr Dre's Beats plans to drop HTC, hook up with rich mate – report
Mystery of Guardian mobos and graphics cards which 'held Snowden files'
Palestinian Facebook flaw-finder getting $10,000 payday in online appeal

Re: I'll say it, since nobody else has the guts to
I have to admit, I did have similar thoughts to Steven's when I read this story, but my inner editor redacted them after consultation with my internal legal team and feasibility consultant.
Side note: if you're going to have voices, might as well get them organised and co-operative... ;)
Auntie touts e-babysitting ... and no £15,000 in-app purchase shocks
Google Glassholes can't take long walks off short piers thanks to Merc app
Unreal: Epic’s would-be Doom... er... Quake killer
That enough, folks? Starbucks tosses £5m into UK taxman's coffers

Re: Hard to get excited
They may have to shut down some of their stores? Say it ain't so! That'll have absolutely no negative effect on anyone's life*, and might expose some folks to decent coffee sourced from smaller, tax-paying local companies...
What's the downside, exactly?
* Okay, maybe a few folks will need to swap their Starbucks name badge for a Costa / Greggs / Whatever name badge...
Out with a bang: The Last of Us lets PS3 exit with head held high
BBC-featured call centre slapped with hefty fine for unwanted calls
Doctor Who? 12th incarnation sought after Matt Smith quits
Cold, dead hands of Steve Jobs slip from iPhones: The Cult of Ive is upon us
Author Iain (M) Banks falls to cancer at 59
Who wants a 'robot companion'? Look no further than Intel Labs
The Tomorrow People jaunt back to the airwaves
Things that cost the same as coffee with Tim Cook - and are way more fun
Ground control to major strum: ISS's Hadfield sings Space Oddity
Standard Model goes PEAR-SHAPED in CERN experiment
Quid-a-day nosh challenge hack in bullet-hard chickpea drama
Fried-egg sarnies kick off Reg man's quid-a-day nosh challenge
Google erects tech specs tech specs, APIs hit the decks
... time machine. Iranian Dr Who claims he invented a ...
iPads in education: Not actually evil, but pretty close

Re: *IT as in
Actually, Anon, I agree with you as well. It shames me that I forgot so many important topics (Art, of course. Music, PE, Philosophy, finances, all good...) but just 'cos there's a lot to get through doesn't mean we shouldn't bother. It means we should bloody well get on with it and stop pussy-footing around.
My old school had time for most of these, PLUS eurythmy, handwork, woodwork and occasional school trips. Slightly science-light, if I'm honest, but that's tree-hugging hippies for you. Sadly, I'm more grateful to them now than they ever knew.
Re: *IT as in
You see, this is where we differ. I'd say every secondary-level pupil SHOULD have a good grounding in all three sciences, plus AS maths and at least one modern language. Also a decent grasp of history, and Computer Science, as in programming. Even if it's the equivalent of logo or Scratch; the principles and what they teach us are what's important.
I'm old-fashioned, though. I know this...
If Google got a haircut, a tie and a suit, would it be Microsoft?

Re: Google vs Microsoft
"It's literally impossible for any company to be nice..."
I'm not sure I agree with you there. The company I work for is profitable, successful, growing and has a genuinely earned reputation for being super-nice*. And this isn't a marketing gimmick, it's just how the company is run. It's a priority for the founders, the executive team and everyone down to the new hires.
Here's a clue: part of the reason we do well is because people love doing business with us, and word spreads. Helps that we're also shit-hot. ;)
So, not impossible, but not common either, more's the pity...
* 'Scuse Americanism, but it is an American company...
Stephen Fry explains… Alan Turing's amazing computer
Holly(oaks) talking head is FUTURE of face messaging, claims prof

Re: Douglas Adams thought the idea ludicrous 30 years ago, and this version is no better
Wasn't there an Iain M Banks novel that had a message being sent as a transcript of the sender's mind-state so that the recipient could question them for all the details that were necessary? I remember the feeling of distaste when the temporary mind was destroyed after the message had been delivered...