* Posts by firefly

76 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Mar 2010


Euro execs extend net zero timescales amid energy cost and supply crunch


Re: Increased demand is being held back by rising energy costs…

Europe's energy woes owe a lot to a series of EU directives beginning in 1996 that demanded that energy markets be 'liberalised', ostensibly to increase competition and benefit consumers. This worked for a while but at the same time sapped investment and now we're paying the price.

Tech giants set to pay through the nose for nuclear power that's still years away


Re: Is it genuine?

The UK government have sunk £250M into Rolls' SMR project so you'd think they are a shoo-in for any contract. The only issue I see is that their 470MWe design is huge for an SMR and I'm unaware of the reasoning behind it. Surely they should have started smaller and scaled it up later?

Arm IPO kicks off today with CPU slinger valued at $54.5B


Re: British chip designer to trade on Nasdaq only

I don't know much about investing, I just play it safe with index funds.

But what I have learned is that you should never invest in what Softbank is currently investing in. Or Cathie Wood.

FTX audit finds $415m in crypto mysteriously vanished


Re: These massive loss figures just roll off the tongue

Crypto enthusiasts are some of the biggest morons I've ever encountered. They have little clue how finance, economics, technology or life in general works.

I've noticed that they have all been celebrating the recent pump of Bitcoin back over $20k, even though there's clear evidence this was initiated by Binance using fake BUSD printed out of thin air. But point that out and they will dismiss it as FUD.

One decade, 46 million units: Happy birthday, Raspberry Pi


Re: Interesting.

I often see people demanding more memory, features and CPU horsepower for the Pi but I hope Upton and co resist these calls. I'd hate to see the project deviate from its original remit and it ends up no longer being an affordable, low power and compact device.

Crypto outfit Qubit appeals to the honour of thieves who lifted $80M of its digi-dollars


Re: As someone who understand blockchain ...

What drives crypto is market manipulation, stablecoin fraud and wash trading. The 'halving cycle' is irrelevent.

Indonesia bars financial institutions from offering crypto services


Re: Getting closer to a bank run?

It's not just Tether in on the stablecoin fraud. USDC prints have gone parabolic in recent months, but neither they or Tether are audited so no one knows where this money is coming from. The only possible conclusion is that it's all imaginary funny money.

The whole cryptocurrency space is rotten to the core. Scams, rug pulls, market manipulation, wash trading and exchanges that collude and actively conspire against their own customers. On the bright side, there are headwinds looming for crypto. Increasing scrutiny from authorities, rising interest rates and feds turning off the cheap money taps are going to come to bear on the biggest pyramid scheme in history.

Shocking: UK electricity tariffs are among world's most expensive


Re: nuclear electricity

If there were indeed headlines saying that it was probably media hype and nothing to do with the government or nuclear industry.

The 'too cheap to meter' phrase was coined by an American government suit in the 1950s. He wasn't taken seriously then so I've no idea why people misrepresent it today.


You can't even run a continent on renewables. This summer right through to the beginning of November saw the calmest winds since the 1960s, and output from wind farms was almost non-existent for much of that time. And that was not just the UK but most of Western Europe.

Now that China has all but banned cryptocurrencies, GPU prices are falling like Bitcoin


Re: And nothing of value was lost...

Bitcoin is a scam in that it's the world's greatest pyramid scheme, manipulated by a handful of whales and propped up by stablecoin fraud. And because it's negative-sum, it means there is far more losers than winners.

You got in early on the ponzi and made money. Congratulations, you must be an investment genius.

On eve of national industrial ballot, BT, EE, Openreach agree to temporarily suspend compulsory redundancies


Re: Which balls?

I think some chap called Webb-Ellis did it once and got away with it.

Elon Musk hits the brakes on taking Bitcoin for Tesla purchases


> Distributed ledgers solve some very real problems

Do they? They have proven to be slow, ineffiecient, and if public are vulnerable to attack. I don't think there is any use case where they are preferable to a centralised database.

Huawei set to exit server, storage, networking business in the UK


Re: Nice people, disgusting government

Agreed re the kindness and civility of Chinese people but ultimately they are part of the problem. Unlike in the West many Chinese see an attack on their government as an attack on both them and their country. The old adage that 'people get the government that they deserve' still rings true.

Why cloud costs get out of control: Too much lift and shift, and pricing that is 'screwy and broken'


I can see it now

CxO calls a meeting and announces that he's seen this amazing "OnPrem" thing in a journal and that we start hosting things ourselves.

Plus ça change...

Single-line software bug causes fledgling YAM cryptocurrency to implode just two days after launch


Re: oh noes

I would argue that it is zero sum. When you invest in a company, you do so in the expectation that it will provide earnings by selling it's products and services, will experience growth and pay dividends.

Bitcoin and other cryptos make no products, provides no services and pays no dividends. Every dollar that someone 'makes' from crypto has come straight from someone else's pocket. That's what makes it zero-sum, and you could even argue it's negative sum if the huge electricity costs are taken into account.

UK data watchdog having a hard time making GDPR fines stick: Marriott scores another extension, BA prepares to pay 11% of £183m penalty threat


Fine negotiation

I got a speeding fine through the post the other day so I think I'm going to write back and offer a tenner. If it works for BA then it should work for me as well, right?

Thanks, Brexit. Tesla boss Elon Musk reveals Berlin as location for Euro Gigafactory


No, the UK was never in the running

There's a lot that you can pin on Brexit, but not this, and I doubt the result would have been any different five years ago. Whether we like it or not, Germany is the centre of manufacturing in Europe. The UK's economy relies on services.

Tinfoil-hat search engine DuckDuckGo gifts more options, dark theme and other toys for the 0.43%


Re: 0.43%

They do, but their names all roll of the tongue quite easily. Bing and Google can be used as verbs. Duck Duck Go does neither.

It's happening, tech contractors: UK.gov is pushing IR35 off-payroll rules to private sector in Finance Bill


Re: Ignoring the Electorate?

The 'x% of the electorate didn't vote for y' argument is a disingenuous one at best and could be applied to almost every election in British history.

Yorkshire bloke's Jolly Roger flag given the heave-ho after council receives one complaint


The Maltese are absolutley the worst for displaying George Cross flags.

'Software delivered to Boeing' now blamed for 737 Max warning fiasco


Re: Difference between an US and a non-US company.

I've read estimates that the emissions scandal contributed to the deaths of over 3.000 people worldwide.

It's probably less than that, but what VW did was in no way a victimless crime.

UK's Dyson to vacuum up 300 staffers for its electric car division


Re: Dyson ain't quite wot it used-er to be

Someone's been watching AvE

FLICK my FLINT and SNIFF my TREE on the streets of Naples


Re: Maybe ....

Has anyone noticed that since the smoking ban pubs now reek of an unpleasant mix of BO, urine and vomit? Tobacco smoke was very effective at masking it and pubs smelled far better then than they do now.

Brit ISPs ordered to add more movie-streaming websites to block list


Thanks BPI!

Apart from the obvious ones (TPB etc), I've never heard of these sites. Since it is piss-easy to evade these blocks I think I'll pay them a visit and download something.

Will they ever learn about the Streisand Effect?

KRAKOOM! iPad Air explose in fireball, terrified fanbois flee Apple store


Re: Ford Orion

I had a Mk1 ('84) Orion Ghia and it was a nice car, like an armchair on wheels, the CVH engine was ok for the time and it had decent styling. Then the Mk2 came out, the soft plastics gave way to cheap hard plastics, the styling was blander, it actually had less equipment than the Mk1 and the CVH engines were being showed up by Vx's OHC engine and others. Then we had the complete and utter train wreck of the 1990 model Escort/Orions. It seems only Ford could turn out progressively worse cars with each new generation.

I actually have a Focus now and it's a decent car but I'm surprised Ford are still in business today considering some of the crap they turned out from the mid 80's up to the late 90's.

WAIT! What's that sound? It's Intel stomping into the 'Internet of Things'



What you're describing is telemetry, which is already in place for most of the things you describe and has been around for decades.


Re: Stop......+1

I'd also like to know what exactly Intel are bringing to the table here. How is having an Intel chip in my washing machine going to offer so much more functionality than an ARM chip that costs 50p?

Fed up with Windows? Linux too easy? Get weird, go ALTERNATIVE


Re: Emacs

It would if it came with a decent text editor.

Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 R2: Quick start guide for sysadmins


Re: License key madness

Microsoft seems to have forgotten that lax use of VL keys, and dare I say piracy have helped get them get where they are.

If they had KMS and MAK activation back in the 1990s, we'd all be running Linux on our desktops today.

I used to have a TechNet subscription but they just shitcanned that and are forcing everyone to get an MSDN sub for ten times the cost. Sometimes I wonder if they want us to use their products at all.

iPhone 5S: Apple, you're BORING us to DEATH (And you too, Samsung)


Re: Competition

Maybe, just maybe it's because smart people like to buy a 16GB phone and pay an extra £12 for a 32GB SD card rather than shell out an extra £100 for the higher memory model.

With Apple you have no choice but to get bled dry if you want extra memory in your phone.

TDK calls it quits on tape media thanks to 'difficult environment'


Re: Backup

Even the cloud has to be backed up somehow.


That is one hell of a tape library.

Oh noes! New 'CRISIS DISASTER' at Fukushima! Oh wait, it's nothing. Again


Re: Beta?

True, however while alpha particles can be stopped by the skin they cause immense damage if inhaled or ingested, as Alexander Litvinenko found to his cost.

Beta emitting radioactive iodines have a habit of accumulating in the thyroid gland, which is why potassium iodide tablets are issued to people after a nuclear incident to 'fill up' the thyroid, preventing the takeup of the radioactive iodines.

Thyroid cancer is the most common cancer associated with nuclear accidents, but it's one of the most treatable cancers known, with well over 90% of people surviving.

Green German gov battles to keep fossil powerplants running


Re: Intresting to note

According to the BBC's own article Fukushima leak is a Level 1 incident, the lowest you can get and classed as a mere anomoly. So ask yourself why they the hell they even wrote a piece on it, let alone publish it on the front page.

People should also ask why there has been little reporting on how the Japanese people are trying to rebuild their lives after a disaster that claimed over 20,000 people, yet an incident that has cost no lives gets all the column inches.

Webcam stripper strikes back at vicious 4Chan trolls after year of bullying


Re: Daily Fail

And also the same Daily Mail that campaigned relentlessly for justice in the Stephen Lawrence case whilst no one else seemingly gave a shit.

I don't quite get the hate for the Daily Mail. Yes it's a rag with a right-wing slant but it seems that Guardianistas and their ilk love to berate it.

If you really want to pour scorn on a mainstream newspaper look no further than the Daily Express. Most of the crap they print varies from being plain wrong to downright disturbing.


Re: To troll in and of itself.

You can't help but snigger when the Anons trolled Oprah..


Unreal: Epic’s would-be Doom... er... Quake killer


Re: Unreal Tournament & II for me

I liked the UT games, but there's a reason why they never took off in pro-gaming.

The problem with the UT series was both the movement and netcode was inferior to Quake. UT had to resort to double jumps, dodging and adrenaline combos to achieve what could be easily done in Quake with normal movement. The prediction engine was also a little suspect, I recall many times the thing registering a miss when I was certain I had the shot.

Linux 3.11 to be known as 'Linux for Workgroups'


Re: Windows 3.x was never an Operating System

The daddy of them all during that era was RiscOS, OK it didn't have true pre-emptive multitasking but it was buttery smooth on the fast ARM hardware and never got in the way of you getting stuff done.

NASA to flip ion engine's 'OFF' switch after brilliant 5.5 year burn


Re: Once you get to top speed

Quite easily, flip the craft 180 degrees and your thruster becomes a brake. This is has been proposed as a means of moving humans through deep space, you accelerate the craft at around 1G until you achieve half-light speed then flip the craft around and decelerate at 1G, the advantage being that a similar gravity to the Earth is maintained throughout the vogage the avoiding muscle atrophy of the occupants.

Google to double encryption key lengths for SSL certs by year's end



Surely 13,407,807,929,942,597,099,574,024,998,205,846,127,479,365,820,592,393,377,723,561,443,721,764,030,​073,546,976,801,874,298,166,903,427,690,031,858,186,486,050,853,753,882,811,946,569,946,433,649,006,084,096 keys ought to be enough for anybody.

FLABBER-JASTED: It's 'jif', NOT '.gif', says man who should know


Re: Sega

I get riled at people who think Nike, both the sporting goods manufacturer and the Greek goddess of victory, only has one syllable.

Gigabyte bats Brix at Intel's tiny NUC PC


Re: How much !

The articles I have read on NUC so far suggest around £220+VAT. On top of that you will need to shell out for RAM, storage and a wi-fi adapter.


Re: How much !

The NUC pricing is even more ridiculous than the Ultrabook platform. Goes to prove that Intel are addicted to ludicrously high margins on everything they sell, and that will probably be their undoing.

I salute Lady THATCHER - Shoreditch's SILICON GODMOTHER


Re: I'm old enough

Me too, how I long for the days of blackouts, 3-day weeks, perpetual strikes, rubbish piled up on the streets and waiting up to a year to have something simple as a telephone installed in my home.

Thatch put an end to all that, Bitch indeed.

Bitcoin exchange: Greedy traders to blame for DDoS attack


Well considering that MtGox stands for Magic the Gathering Online Exchange (seriously), I think your beans would be quite safe there.

Giant solar-powered aircraft to begin cross-country flight


Re: Units and comparisons...

Km/h for air or sea travel is indeed an abomination but not for the reason you stated. A knot is one nautical mile per hour, and a nautical mile is one minute of an degree of latitude. A pilot will know that for every 60 knots of groundspeed they travel east (or west), they will travel 1 degree of longitude every hour.

It's one of the few 'old' measurements that makes better sense than metric, and quite frankly any change towards km/h should be resisted.

Production-ready ZFS offers cosmic-scale storage for Linux


It does indeed. A modest home NAS running ZFS demands a minimum of 8GB and 16GB is preferable if you're running any kind RAID-Z.

CCTV hack takes casino for $33 MILLION in poker losses


Re: Cojones

I don't see how the casino lost anything. In poker you're playing against your fellow players around the table and not against the house. The house makes its money by taking a small percentage of each pot, known as the rake, or in tournament play they will take 10-15% of the buy-in.

The only possibility is that the casino, so not to piss off some valued customers, voluntarily compensated the players who were scammed.

Linux, because...

RBS and NatWest FAIL downs services across UK


Re: FAIL felt as far as Oregon

Try your local credit union. Many of them now offer debit cards and direct debits and while they don't pay interest, they often pay a dividend of 3% or more.
