* Posts by Lemons

9 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Mar 2010

Microsoft pops preview of 'biggest, most ambitious' Office yet


Re: Me Thinks :

Did you copy and paste this comment from your other ms bashing article?

We get it, some of you think its going to be a disaster. It won't be the end of Ms like the foss preachers or people unable to cope with change are predicting.

Oz sysadmin says Windows 8 not ready for business

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Re: 2013

Pretty sure I've heard this same crap every year since I can remember.

Coupon-spaffer Groupon starts to sniff actual profits

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Re: One Step Beyond!

How so? Last time I heard facebook was actually profitable.

TV Now was too good, and that was its downfall


Re: Sorry but

Paris got paid.

Google explains 'why' ads target user's Gmail


I've had a link near the ads in my gmail for some time which leads to the following url: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=6603

Qantas trials iPad in the sky



You can actually polish a turd. In this case however you are right, Qantas blows.

Windows Server 8 plays catch-up with VMware and Unix

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Did you read the article? They aren't removing the gui from ALL versions. It's not going to be much different to the current editions of Server 08. They are just giving expanding on the current server core edition.

More job losses on the way as Tata picks up Telstra back office


@ Paul Turner

I'm pretty sure "(formerly through EDS)." indicates the author knows this and is suggesting that Telstra was initially a customer of EDS.

Microsoft warns over rogue Security Essentials



then how long would it take for some half ass av software company to start whinging about microsoft using their position in the market place as a monopoly... again.