* Posts by Paul 106

6 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Feb 2010

Lawyer wants WikiLeaker kept off suicide watch

Paul 106

Obama's worse

This is happening under Obama's watch. Don't get me wron, I'd try Bush for perjury and possibly treason, but Obama has ordered the assassination of US citizens abroad on the suspition that they are terrorists.

He's supposed to be the good guy!

Twitter airport bomb joker loses second job

Paul 106

Pedantic bar steward

Unless they are actually laying mines under the one that says on it.... In that case the grammar is correct.

I would suggest your initial assumption is correct, but calling the grammar police and convicting someone on an assumption (or locking them up for 42 days without charge) seems a tad judgmental and extreme.

US authorities shutdown websites accused of movie piracy

Paul 106

Freedom of speech?

Providing people information on where to go should they wish to break the law is not, and should not be, illegal. Breaking the law is, by definition, breaking the law. Providing information to allow an adult the option of breaking a law is free speech.

Fecking yanks can't even understand their own First Amendment.

ConLibs to outlaw kiddyprinting without permission

Paul 106

Bring back Labour

If you don't fingerprint all kids how can you identify them when I remove their heads?

What do you mean you're not allowed to make distasteful jokes on the internet?

BSkyB yanks more cash from HP's hide

Paul 106

What about us?

Why can't the government do things like this when our IT projects go tits up?

When the MoD or the NHS have huge IT projects that fail miserably why can't the cost be clawed back from the suppliers who promised to deliver?

US government rescinds 'leave internet alone' policy

Paul 106


Bring back Bush.

Okay, maybe not, but wasn't Obama supposed to be the good guy?