Re: analogue is just a hotchpotch of compromises
Fair enough. And drink it from a gold cup.
But the drinking de-ionised water was a genuine tip recommended in some HiFi mags back in the 70's.
489 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Feb 2010
Yes, it all depends on your personal situation.
I was lucky in that I'd been paying into a private pension for many years, even when it was a struggle and it was hard to imagine ever being old enough to actually claim it. The folly of youth is to imagine you're not old enough to worry about retirement.
Claiming the state pension (deferring by 1 year increased the value of the monthly payment by 5%), will be a nice little "pay rise" and should give access to the Cost of Living bonuses announced for this year.
Tate Modern bought the bricks for a fair amount of dosh. Wasn't even the original bricks.
In the same exhibition, there was a Native American headress cut out from the side of a fridge displyed as Art, and the old fridge it'd been cut from was also displyed as Art.
The only advantage of a smart meter is they can finally get rid of most meter readers, and if needed can cut you off without sending a man round to pull your fuse. Advantage for the consumer... Ermmmm..
Anyone know if they use 3G for coms? Cos I thought that was going the way of the Dodo fairly soon.
Pretty much all modern cars have AEB fitted. I think it's becoming mandatory for Europe in 2023. If memory serves, you can't get an NCAP 5* rating without it.
So unless it's Teslas implementation of AEB that's at fault, can we expect to see other class actions for all car makers?
The guy that was sacked was supposed to be investigating corruption, but turned out to be one of the most corrupt himself. Various entities (including the US and EU) had pledged financial help to the Ukraine, but only if the endemic corruption was tackled, so no financial help untill this guy was replaced.
Trump, with Barr and Giuliani's collaboration privately refused to send $400M worth of US Congress approved military aid unless Ukraine dug up some dirt on the Bidens, untill a whistleblower let the cat out of the bag.
Trump thinking that Germany owed the US money because they weren't spending 2% of their GDP on defence? Germany started to ramp up its defence spending when Russia invaded Ukraine, rather than just rises to cover inflation.
Trumps attitude to China? You mean slapping tariffs on imports and thinking the US is squeezing money out of China, when in reality the US was getting extra revenue from US citizens who had to pay the tariffs?
God save us from such a financial "genius".
I believe the guinea came about when banks started issuing paper banknotes, and they were becoming more common (for the Well Off) around 1800. Banks could issue their own banknotes back then.
If you bought something for £100 and paid in gold you paid £100. If you paid by banknote there was a 5% surcharge (£1 1/-, a guinea). At that time you could go to the issuing bank and exchange those notes for £100 in gold, which is more trouble to the seller and also a little riskier.
Being a Tight Old Git, I'd never buy a new car anyway. I can't stand the thought of throwing away about £5000 in depreciation on the drive from the dealer to home.
I'd rather buy a car 1 or 2 years old with low milage. Of course this is for buying a car, not leasing or PCH etc.
The way the price of second hand cars has gone, the one I bought nearly 4 years ago has gone back up to nearly the same price as I paid for it!
I often get similar thoughts when I see XYZ company has been bought by ABC company for God-knows how many billions.
I remember Go Pro being bought for an outrageous amount once, and it seemed that going by sales figures, each camera would have to sell for about $5000 for the next 10 years to recoup the investment.
When I was a child, all the heating in our flat was done by coal fires. Cooking and hot water was gas, but heating each room was by open coal fires.
Every couple of weeks the coal lorry would stop by, and if you needed coal you'd shout out the window something like "One sack to flat 20"..
These flats were 4 floors high with no lifts.
The coalmen would RUN up the stairs with a 1cwt (112 lb.) sack over their shoulder!
I suspect they never needed to go to the gym...
The JJ Abrams Star Trek world is much less of a united world.
Instead of having Russians, Americans, Scots, Africans etc. all working together as crew of the starship, we now have Russian/Americans, African/Americans etc. i.e. all Americans with American attitudes.
Except Scotty, who is English...
I'm dredging this from my memory, so I may have misremembered a few details.
In modern diesel vehicles soot is reduced by a DPF (diesel particulate filter), and NOX is reduced by either SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) or SNCR (Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction) using urea or ammonia.
Many non-cheating car manufacturers were amazed that VAG managed to meet the new lower NOX regulations without either SCR or SNCR. Of course we now know the VAG cars had software to detect when the car was being tested and would tailor the engine management to reduce NOX production while testing.
Newer petrol cars are also now fitted with particulate filters, even though this wasn't really anywhere near as big a problem as diesel particulates.
I keep seeing typos etc. in El Reg articles.
In this story a superfluous "in" as in "behind in bars", spending the rest of your life behind bars is pretty bad, but spending the rest of your life in bars sounds pretty good. In another article "Service" instead of "Surface"...
Where did the corrections button go? Did I miss something?
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson have had a hard time sleuthing in London all spring, so they decide to take a nice summer break camping in Cornwall.
In the middle of their first night Holmes wakes Watson and ask him "Watson, look up and tell me what you see, and what you think it means."
Watson replies "I see a myriad of stars Holmes. If only one in a thousand stars has a planet, and if only one in a thousand planets has life, and if only one in a thousand of those planets has intelligent life, then there must be thousand of intelligent beings in the universe."
Holmes says "No you fool! It means some bastard has stolen our fucking tent!"
We had a lady that looked after conference rooms etc. After a year or so she became very protective of them, they were "her turf".
It got to the stage where if she wasn't there you couldn't use any of the rooms, including if she was away for 2 weeks holiday she'd take the keys with her, or would hide them somewhere in the office without telling anyone.
The manager ended up telling us to drill the locks out to gain access. She wasn't pleased when she got back from her holiday.