Hang on, you're saying the purchase of EDS in 2008 is somehow relevant to the re-voting in of the current board in 2013.
That makes loads of sense :-S
34 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Feb 2010
"The new Surface models' high price tags mean they'll be hard-pressed to win over fans of the top-selling tablet to date, Apple's iPad."
But its not supposed to compete with an iPad, that's what the RT version is for. The Pro appears to me, at least, to be all things to all men. Its a tablet when you want it to be, then its also a fully-fledged Ultrabook when you want to do some real work.
For £650-700, that's a pretty good deal - not much if any more than current Ultrabooks. You can also plug it into a proper monitor, when you're at home, so it could replace your desktop too.
I'm very interested!
"Apple has released what it modestly deems to be "the best iTunes yet.""
I should hope so too, otherwise they've made a massive mistake in releasing something worse than something they had done in the past. Bizarre statement, but one apple uses all the time. Remember the "best iPhone ever" advert?
Nobody in the UK even broadcasts in 1080p yet. Why on earth would I want a 4K TV?
OLED seemed like a good idea, 3 years ago - but it seems like its not going to be the cheap-but-better alternative to LCD/Plasma that it was originally touted to be.
3D with glasses is gimmick.
Still see no reason to start saving to replace my Panny Plasma.
Why do all journos compare blood levels of drunken people to an arbitraty level that is deemed to be safe.
Its not like there is a level that is "A bit drunk", "very pissed" and then "wankered". Yet they use "perfectly ok to drive a car" as the guideline.
Makes no sense whatsoever.
At least you guys could vote. The system didn't recognise any postcode in our entire town of 60,000 people (Peterlee) !!!
Had to raise 2 tickets with them before they fixed it - I doubt anyone else who went on the site would have bothered to do the same, or bothered to come back again.
Total joke.
Ok, so 10Mb is good for one or two HD streams, fair enough.
But what about the crazyness of limiting usage to the point where they can only download 3-4 HD streams per MONTH anyway!!
Like I said, I saw one package for FTTC that at full speed, would work for 20 minutes before being over your bandwidth allowance for the month :-D
I've bought many things that I wouldn't have if I hadn't seen or heard the prequel for free.
I've even gone out and bought entire back catalogs on the basis of a download (I even own all the Harry Potter books now!)
And there's no way I would ever have gone to a music festival (£150+ each time) if I coudn't have downloaded an album of a few of the acts beforehand. And I've been to separate gigs for the bands I've seen there too.
Thousands of pounds spent because of "illegal downloading" that would never have been spent without it.
Interesting this one. When I did it (96-98) Futher Maths was the same amount of work as standard Maths, just that it was all of the harder modules.
It certainly wasn't 1/3 of the work of another A Level. In fact, it was probably more difficult than Physics.
More and more people are being forced to do this course, as standard A levels are now practically worthless. If more than 1 in 4 people get an A or A*, how do we know who the best people are?
Add to this that the marks to get each grade are actually fixed using a normal distribution, then its also rediculously easy to see why there is a small inprovement in overall results every year - imagine the outcry if they didn't!
The whole system needs to change, from GCSE to Hon Degrees.
It was always a rediculous idea to have 50% of young people going to Uni.
The whole point in a University degree was to allow for the brightest students to prove their abilities - but over the years things have been dumbed down so much that 1 in 2 people are capable of doing them.
So then, the elite 10% end up spending another year doing a Masters, or even 3 doing a PhD just to separate themselves from the pile.