* Posts by Rodders27

5 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Feb 2010

Tory MP's email fail stirs up bloggo-fury



You miss the point; I sent a 38 degrees missive to my MP, and I read through it first and decided that I could not do better myself as it was a complex issue.

-So, one out of hundred people read it. Nice fact.

You miss the point when you make out that I am too lazy or stupid. I work full time and am a parent governor, chair of the neighbourhood management board, directory of the community association, editor of the community news, and more besides

-Then you should be capable of writing a decent email/letter, but you took the easy option. When you don't write it yourself, you are mass mailing.

You miss the point; I ran (with a few other residents) a major community campaign (with petitions and public meetings with councillors and MPs) last December - to represent a view I did not entirely agree with on behalf of residents who had poor language skills and no other representation.

- So you battle for those who can't be bothered to learn English and the work shy. Good stuff. You have made England the country it is today.

You miss the point because you dismiss the effectively disenfranchised ineloquent and unconfident as lazy and stupid, like your hero MP does

- Yes.

You miss the point because he was only complaining about 2 emails per day.

- Where did you get this figure from? I don't see it quoted by the MP.

You miss the point because we he gets an allowance staff paid to sift through his two extra emails.

- So let’s all spam him so he can justify claiming more. Well done. I guess you will be there chairing the "Council tax hikes are outrageous" public meeting for the disenfranchised ineloquent and unconfident.

The MP is annoyed because his voters have managed to find other representation.

- The MP is annoyed because technology is not perfect. Email is easily abused. Especially when mass mailing is made easy for the stupid.


Wrong Sam

You miss the whole point. Why should I as a tax payer, pay more tax to employ more people, to sieve through the hundreds of same sentence emails, most of which people have not even bothered to read through, just because people are too lazy or stupid to write/visit their MP individually. Nobody is too stupid to make an appointment or turn up at a public meeting, if you can use a computer to mass mail, you can use a computer to write a simple sentence. Excuses for the lazy click button brigade again. The MP is annoyed because his inbox is overflowing and virtually unusable. Send us your email address, we will send you thousands of emails a day (make sure you don't miss any genuine ones though) and see if you find it useable.

Paris Hilton

MP bashing again...

I can't believe I am saying this but: Seems to me that he has a genuine point. When I listened to both arguments on Radio 4 yesterday, it seems that the lobby groups are just doing a lazy arsed job of spamming his email address with pre-made templates. If you have a genuine grievance, email or write to your MP and its much more likely they will take notice, unlike the "lets spam him till his inbox overflows" method. If it was me, I wouldn't be bothered with someone who couldn't be bothered to take the time, to write a simple personal message, takes minutes or you could even "visit" him if that was not too scary. He was not saying he wanted his email address to be hidden from the public, it is available all over the place, just removed from lobby group mass spamming lists, which lets be honest, is all they are. My point of view....

World+bitch flocking to expose self on Facebook



The reason most people don't leave Facebook?

1. They are scared of missing out. Simple. If all their friends stay on there, they don't want to miss out on some important bit of important information that may alter their life forever.

2. They have no idea what privacy is or do not care if the world knows they like purple cats, red hair or pigeons.

Or most likely:

3. Vain - dictionary meaning: excessively proud of or concerned about one's own appearance, qualities, achievements, etc.; conceited: a vain dandy.

Virgin to offer 100Mb/s broadband by year's end


Maxed Out

I have used Virgin Media for 18months now, 50MB service(had 20MB service previously) and can easily max out the connection to newsgroups using SSL 24/7, its expensive but at present for home users, able to get it, likely the fastest. The Traffic shaping and download limits only seem to apply to 20MB service and below as per their website"Traffic management applies to our M, L and XL packages, but not XXL". I did find my old Linksys cable router was not up to the job of throughputting that much traffic and had to swap to the supplied Netgear router, which does the job. I agree that having that much speed is useless for a lot of web file downloading because of caps/limits/max speed the other end, its not the limit by VM, people just don't understand, they see their download not hitting the speed limit and get confused, its a marketing issue.