* Posts by FuzzyTheBear

541 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Feb 2010


FCC finally gets around to banning Kaspersky from telecoms kit


Apart from the US gov ..

Has there ever been published proof that Kaspersky was actually a bad actor or it it simply politics ?

I kind of hesitate believing that it's a fact based , proven and proof made public , and not simply a matter of dirty politics ..

Really if there's proof we can actually read somewhere ? Documents ? Logs ?

This whole story stinks and i'd like to know whether it's fact based or not ?


Microsoft resurrects Windows Recall for upcoming preview


Re: all your data are belongs to us.

Apart from gaming . i don't see a single reason to keep going with windows for my personal use. im on Linux since RedHat 6.2 .. Never looked back.

NASA mulls using SpaceX in 2025 to rescue Starliner pilots stuck on space station


Software update.

There's a matter for NASA and the proposed Boeing software update that can brick the dock also in the mix. Boeins is finished any way you look at it. They return empty and the capsule somehow makes it , they're finished , back to earth with a dead crew , they're done , stuck at the station , they've had it . Whatever way you look at the issue Boeing's finished.

Windows Patch Tuesday update might send a user to the BitLocker recovery screen



It just goes in a spiral down the drain ..Open Source does not need to lift a finger .. Microsoft is doing a perfect job at destroying itself.

Trust MS ? Who can ?

CrowdStrike's Falcon Sensor also linked to Linux kernel panics and crashes


Re: Why use Crowdstrike when you have SELinux?

That is a legend. If there were a backdoor , it would have been found a hell of a long time ago.

Angry admins share the CrowdStrike outage experience


Matter of trust ..

There's an important element here called trust. After this , who will reasonably be trusting CrowdStrike ? This is going to cost companies a hell of a lot of money. Just take the group of travellers that will be claiming compensation for their delays , stays in hotels , restaurant bills etc .. We're talking tens of billions in monetary damages. Who can anyone trust them after this is a big question. Will they take chances and stick with them ? Personally i wouldn't. Too risky. To have a fix will not be enough to recover from the disaster they are responsible for.

FBI gains access to Trump rally shooter's phone


Re: So he was a registered Republican

They already blamed democrats. You will never see a republican take responsibility for their actions , they always point the fingers to anyone but themselves.

They are totally unable to behave like grown ups , they are eternal victims.


Fingerprint ?

If it was fingerprint locked , take phone to cadaver and bingo .. unlocked.

NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense


Worry ?

What ? Me ? worry ?

I worry more about earthly events than space threats.

Example ? Why certainly , we in Quebec had 4 days of temperatures way above 100f reaching a high of ( with humidex ) of 118F

Global warming is imho a much more serious problem at the moment and much more urgent to address. The fact that our winters gradually went from head high snow cover to merely a foot is also a sign we have a serious issue on our hands. Overpopulation , the earth's resources being drained at an ever faster rate Half a year is all it takes to consume all the resources it takes a year to get / make / grow. Water being misused and the inevitable water wars if this keeps up .Russia that's being a jerk and the threat of nuclear war .. .

Really .. there's much more pressing issues that are existential threats this very minute to address. Going into space won't solve any of this. What will is a major shift in politics. What we are doing on earth in unsustainable and we have to deal with this stuff with all the science , knowledge , political courage that we have at our disposal. We have to act , we all know it , but politicians don't care , there's none that have enough courage to make the decisions that need to be taken. We know it's got to change but humanity as a whole is like lemmings headed for the cliff and running full speed to take the plunge. I am 63 , ill be dead in a few decades , but i worry about the younger generations that are led by people who haven't got the balls to take the decisions We're on our path to making asteroids irrelevant to our survival. I am not optimistic at all about the way things are going. Fix politics first .. and we all know this ain't going to happen. We prefer to look at our bellybuttons and say " What ? Me ? Worry ? " and keep walking.

Oracle releases experimental next-gen kernel build


Didn't have enough yet ?

I don't understand why people should do business with Oracle at all.

They way they treat their customers , i am surprised they have a single left.

Cloudflare debuts one-click nuke of web-scraping AI


How naive

You really think they're going to care about a robots.txt file ?

Really ?

UN telecom watchdog wags finger at Russia for satellite interference


Maybe , yes.

Russia is far from an innocent actor on the net. Giving them a taste of their own medecine might make them think twice about messing with the west.

Stick morals out the window for once and play the game their way. Dirty and rotten. They do it to us ? We do it to them. They down an airplane ? we down an airplane.

They're not innocent virgins. Our morals keeps us too often from retaliating and that's a mistake.

FreeDOS and FreeBSD prove old code never dies, just gets nifty updates


Code is code ..

If it works and it's doing the task intended to do , why change ?

Just update when you have security issues and that's it.

New for the sake of new is a waste of time and efforts.

Brace for new complications in big tech takedowns after Supreme Court upended regulatory rules


What a mess

At this point in time the USA is a massive mess.

Thank goodness i don't live there. I read the Washington post and a half dozen more reliable papers every day and i am really happy not to have to deal with the situation in the USA daily. It used to be a country we looked up to , now , it's to vomit. SCOTUS made a mess of things , again , the past few months and the way it's going headed for civil war. If you live outside the US , like i do , we're lucky and should count our blessings , so to speak. Good luck to those who live there.

Nasty regreSSHion bug in OpenSSH puts roughly 700K Linux boxes at risk



It's already patched in Mint 21.3

Got to say something about updates : they rock. Unless you really don't pay attention and don't do the updates. Most of the time when i read about a critical update either it's in the updates queue or already been updated. Mint's update management really is easy.

Nothing but good words about Mint and Linux in general. Switching 23 years ago was the best decision i ever made.

Good day.

Microsoft admits to problems upgrading Windows 11 Pro to Enterprise


Windows ?

There's always something broken , not working , loosing data ,, what a mess.

I have come to accept that as a reality of MS , they can't get it all right .

22 years ago i switched to Linux being tired of the massive mess they were.

Never going back. This is working and headaches free for me.

Results may vary but once you're decided and motivated i don't see a reason

why you can't make it happen too.

Problem always is Microsoft software but i manage very well without them using alternates.

If you can , why not give it a spin and save yourselves the constant problems ?

Just a suggestion


Intel interrupts work on $25B Israel fab, citing need for 'responsible capital management'



Intel's management might have to think twice since Israel is accused of genocide in front of the international tribunal.

Noone wants their name associated with such regimes / ongoing war

Oracle Java police start knocking on Fortune 200's doors for first time


Why ?

Why do companies accept that sh&& from Oracle is beyond my understanding.

Windows 11 tries to escape Windows 10's shadow with AI muscle


Meanwhile ...

Meanw\ile all the fuss goes on , im still happily using ye old Mint on my boxes and enjoying every minute of it.

If there was a sticker that sticks it's tongue out i'd use it :D

Come on .. unless there's a program that needs windows absolutely to run and the pc to perform it's task , why stick with the mess ?

Underwater datacenters could sink to sound wave sabotage


Re: Is there a Department of Daft Ideas coming up with this stuff?

A good drill and hole saw do wonders too too. Underwater , nothing is safe , nor secure. Can't be . we all rely on goodwill and how difficult the sabotage operation may be

Encrypted mail service Proton hands suspect's personal info to local cops



The governments and it's agencies will never let anyone have a cypher they can't break, Ever.

Big brains divided over training AI with more AI: Is model collapse inevitable?


Re: Strange you should say that....

" i " use that .. " I " like in " I really dont care what you think. " Leave the rest of us alone. You're certainly not my voice.

NASA needs new ideas and tech to get Mars Sample Return mission off the ground


So they got samples ..

What i don't understand is why take samples if they didn't have a return mechanism in place ? o.O ?

I am confused ..

US senator wants to put the brakes on Chinese EVs


Read as follows ..

Big oil wants to kill electric vehicles.

OFC they will engage in all kinds of speculations , offer no proof at all to protect their rich contributors from facing competition.

Same goes for the auto industry that have to face a new and strong competition.

It's not a matter of safety , it's a matter of protecting big oil and the auto industry from facing competition.

Ex-White House CIO tells The Reg: TikTok ban may be diplomatic disaster


Before commenting ..

Would be good to read the actual bill :


It's not just tiktok though it's clearly a target , but it opens the doors to other bans.

CEO of UK's National Grid warns of datacenters' thirst for power


Re: Is it just me...

easy .. an electric vehicle has a use in my life , large data centers less. i can live without the internet , i can live without an AI girlfriend but i cannot live without transport to get to work. Simple math ,.

As AI booms, land near nuclear power plants becomes hot real estate


Idiocy at it's best.

Already the grids can't cope with the power needed to keep the people cool , it cannot cope either with the electrification of vehicles requiring close to 2000 new nuclear plants by itself and AI wants to cut further the resources available to keep the people cool and the vehicles rolling ? .. just wow.

HP print rental service seeks more users to become subscription addicts


Good way to shoot their last toe ..

I do not know of a single person that needs specifically a HP printer ..

Anything else is a better choice .. even an old IBM Selectric running on a parallel port is a better choice imho.

That's what happens with money and revenues are the only motivations to run a company.

HP Died a long time ago.. when they sold their lab instrument division it was the beginning of the end.

RIP ( rest in pieces )

Canada poutine more pressure on Google by expanding ad biz antitrust probe


stop the insulting headlines ..

Stop the presses and get the editor in chief out here .. ill have his rear end ..

Poutine is NOT a CANADIAN dish .. it's a QUEBEC dish and we Quebecers

are angry as hell about this outrage and recurring insult ..

Public apologies and a bag of curd cheese will get back on our good side .. < coughs >

SIgned : a teed off Quebecer out of curd cheese

Have a great weekend .. mine's the one with a can of poutine sauce in the left pocket ..

Trident missile test a damp squib after rocket goes 'plop,' fails to ignite


Fail is success

When you make a test , you expect failures and learn from either success or failure.

So .. in a strange deeply perverted way , this was a complete success.

ALPHV blackmails Canadian pipeline after 'stealing 190GB of vital info'


Oddly enough

I have no pity at all for the owners of any important infrastructure , machinery , connected to the public internet at all.

They know crackers will do what they do best , crack their security and make as much damage as they can.

It's negligence at a whole new level.

Don't blame crackers. Blame the companies for putting important infrastructure on a public network.

Chrome engine devs experiment with automatic browser micropayments


Ah come on ..

Really dude .. it's Google .. what could possibly go wrong ?

Fairberry project brings a hardware keyboard to the Fairphone


food for thought

The obvious " slip on " keyboard without electronics but simple contacts with the screen seem to be something to investigate.

Why use electronics at all when a simple passive plastic keyboard can do the job ? ..

simplify the design a notch. There's no need for electronics at all.

Granted different models different screens might require a diff keyboard layout but frankly ,

a 10 cent piece of plastic can be produced for different models and you have your keyboard.

They do the same for protective cases . Why not a KB ?

Just food for thought .

Firefox 122 gets even more competitive with Chrome on translation



I been using mint ( mate ) for 5 years at least and never turned back.

It's all rock stable , great features , works fine and FF 122 as usual is doing it's job.

Highly recommended,

Firefox is a great browser , on mint it's a headache free experience.

IBM talks up cost savings, including 'workforce rebalancing'


Just a feeling

Red Hat is about to go the IBM way : closed.

IT consultant fined for daring to expose shoddy security


Security optional

I worked in A/V and telecom all my life. I was in the boardroom of a very important corporation installing wireless mics etc .. all for the convenience of the client.

Well .. This is a place where very important financial decisions are taken

At some point they introduce me to the chief of security and i simply told him what was the truth

You can take a small reciever and listen in from the other building what goes on in the boardroom.

He was like , " huh ? "

I took my laptop , my SDR dongle and an antenna and made the demonstration ..

He was without words.

My boss didn't like me one bit on the spot , but they did sell them wired replacement microphones. :D

What the AI copyright fights are truly about: Human labor versus endless machines


Re: I think we're in agreement

Copyright or patent infringement should not be allowed period.

We're talking about individuals who literally ripped off countless content creators.

It's not AI / machine against man .. it's about people ripping people off.

NASA engineers scratch heads as Voyager 1 starts spouting cosmic gibberish


Re: Excelent design - aliens must be proud

Just the small matter of windows freezing on the USN battleship leaving it totally vulnerable to attacks.

Never use commercial off the shelf Windows if you need a stable reliable military grade OS or anything mission critical.

What comes after open source? Bruce Perens is working on it


Caught my attention

Nobody on the input side is being compensated fairly for the output.

Facebook certainly fits this as #1

Evertything for them , nothing for the users which they milk to the last bit.

Israel to plow $3.2B into $25B Intel fab project


Intel .. big chips , small brain.

It's a mistake to backup with money a regime hellbent on genocide.

Intel's reputation is on the line.

Best business practices says stay out of conflict zones.

Apple's timepiece turmoil taken to appeals court


Stolen tech

I do not see why Apple should appeal when they know perfectly well they stole the tech they're trying to sell.

I got no pity whatsoever. Off to the fump those million watches.

Nuclear-powered datacenters: What could go wrong?


Re: Operational Islands Wholly Disconnected from the Internet

Anyone with half a brain would not.

Maybe there's total idiots out there but i don't think they'd pass the interview.

Ans as for vendors requiring network , they would not pass the first round of suppliers in a nuclear facility.,

Not everyone's an idiot.

BOFH: The Christmas party was so good, an independent inquiry is required


Indeed ..

Merry Christmas to the readers and staff of the Register.

Thanks for the information the laughs and the sometimes most entertaining readers comments :D

Merry Christmas all

Study uncovers presence of CSAM in popular AI training dataset



Just drag those bastards out and throw them in jail.

People that think they can do whatever they please without consequences need to be disposed of properly.

The guillottine seems a good way to get their attention.

Google hopes to end tsunami of data dragnet warrants with Location History shakeup


It's used by law enforcement in the US to get a list of potential suspects based on their proximity to some crime or other.

So to be a successfull criminal and not be suspected you leave the phone home. Gotcha.

How to deorbit the Chromebook... and repurpose it for innovators


Dear Rupert

Dude you're an idiot :

" .. ctional life is as bad for profits as retirees are for the national economy: "

This is not only insulting it shows your complete ignorance.

Apologies are quite required.

When you get kids you'll see the value of those retirees when they're repeatedly saving your rear end.

You're a jerk , deal with it.

HP TV ads claim its printers are 'made to be less hated'


just the title

is hilarious. Come on .. HP think they can change our impression ( no pun intended ) of their products / company being total c*** ?

Letter to HP :

If you want to be liked and sell printers change your idiotic and pointless ink cartridge policy.

sweep it out the door and let customers choose what they do when they do it.

HP was first to introduce an extremely fine print on every sheet so that the print could be tied to a particular machine .. remember that one ?

That's your second job , stop doing it.

Network / forced updates ? .. would you please let go of that ?

It's the whole bloody dang thing with you guys : you don't get it , you have to make radical policy changes for you to survive.

AI threatens to automate away the clergy


Good ..

At least the AI can't abuse of children. That's a major beef here in Canada. Probably in the UK too. Churches are empty because of abuses. People turn away from organisations that defend these abuses. AI ? Religions ? they can all go to hell .. o the irony.

US nuke reactor lab hit by 'gay furry hackers' demanding cat-human mutants


Re: Idaho National laboratory

i pledge alleigance and welcome our new human potato overlords ..

SpaceX's Starship on the roster for Texas takeoff


How about choosing somewhere else ?

At some point they might be willing to consider building the launch pads where it counts for the American people ..

Ex : Mar a Lago .. nice spot and exploding on ignition would make some most remarkable and welcomed collateral damage.
