* Posts by JRBobDobbs

14 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Feb 2010

Surveillance Capitalism thinks it won, but there's still time to unplug it


What can you trust..

"You’ll never know if a day’s worth of subtle manipulations embedded within every digital interaction hadn’t planted that desire for that bottle of wine."

This really is the point. 'Surveillance' suggests a passive system collecting data on us - but its already way beyond that: we're not just being surveilled, we are being manipulated, having our moods and desires 'nudged' and ultimately we're being controlled. This has always happened in 'meat-space' of course, but its the targeted, intelligent and personalised nature of the new technologies the manipulated so much more powerful.

A month to save cryptocurrency Ethereum?


Re: The code is the definition of behavior

Well quite - and the smart contract allows the 'hack', so they don't really have a leg to stand on with their reset proposal. If the developers do intervene then it defeats the whole point of smart contracts.

They wrote a buggy contract, they're going to have to suck it up.

Bulk interception is NOT mass surveillance, says parliamentary committee


Does this apply to everyone?

Am I allowed to intercept and collect other people's communications as long as I don't read them / look at them?

Russians hear Tim Cook is gay, pull dead Steve Jobs' enormous erection


Poor Putin

He thinks he's so macho - but as Allen Ginsberg said: "you're not a real man until you've been fucked in the ass".

(yes, promoting sodomy - will my post be removed?...)

Martha Lane Fox: Yeuch! The Internet is made by men?!?


Radia Perlman


There's one woman who made a very fundamental piece of the internet

Twitter shares tank as blabbergasm implodes in full glare of unforgiving investors

Black Helicopters

Don't worry

They can always sell all the data they collect on their users.

If this doesn't terrify you... Google's computers OUTWIT their humans



The claim that the programmers do not understand how their software is recognising new categories of objects is bullshit. That's what they built the system to do.

And they could, if they have recorded all the inputs and error adjustments in the system, re-trace exactly how the system came to acquire the 'ability' to 'recognise' paper shredders.

Humans create software that is better at something than they are. Its not the first time.

'I WAS AN ADMIN FOR SILK ROAD': Alleged hit-man target tells all



So the sysadmin got into a drug deal with some undercover police and then Dread Pirate Roberts takes out a hit on him with another undercover police.

Were there ever any real criminals involved?

Study: Climate was hotter in Roman, medieval times than now


polar ice

I guess there was none in Roman times then?

Robot NIGHTMARE sets new leggy-bot speed record



oh dear.

Americans' right to hang fake balls on trucks left dangling

Paris Hilton

Makes perfect sense to me

Car is a penis extension after all..

Lane Fox launches review of Directgov



so... there shouldn't be any public consultation? or if there is then only reg comments writers are suitably qualified?

seems like most people here would prefer total inaction by the government. perosnally, i think directgov is a good idea in principle and if it can be made better, then good.

stop whining and start submitting ideas lard boys.

Silicon Valley hypegasm for miracle shoebox powerplants


they've released the numbers


how does that compare to the combined cycle gas turbine thingy? (power stations also suffer from transmission costs of course)

Car thieves making clean getaway with GPS jammers

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@gritpants and cheap cars

the benefits of use of cheap cars was christened 'bangernomics' by the late Frank Haines , a great exponent of the art.