Pre-launch, Orange were known as Hutchinson Microtel
Posts by Fat Jez
43 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Feb 2010
Hutchison will float O2 … as soon as the Three merger is done
Scotsman cools PC with IRN-BRU, dubs it the 'Aye Mac'
BT: Let us scrap ordinary phone lines. You've all got great internet, right?
Living in the middle of a big city? Your broadband may still be crap
Europe tickles Microsoft with €561m fine for browser choice gaffe
Seagate slips out super-silent 2.5in video hard drive
Apple resellers left to pick bones of dwindling iPad stocks
You have to balance a couple of things here. On the one hand, you need to make enough to satisfy initial demand, while factoring in the cost of updating them all to the latest stable iOS release and storing them until needed. But you don't want to tool up too much capacity to meet that initial demand, as that leads to excess capacity later when demand tails off.
I guess Apple are accepting they will disappoint a few people by not having enough stock to meet that initial demand while not having wasted excess capacity later.
HP caught with SIX Windows 8 PC packages up its sleeve
Ex-Apple engineer emits Zevo ZFS for Mac OS
Acer intros skinny 15in notebook
UK broadband speeds crippled during 'rush hour'
UK shamed in high-speed broadband study
'iPhone 5' chippery captured on camera
Hands on with Acer's Aspire S3 Ultrabook
Apple Mac Mini 2011

bootcamp drivers
Bootcamp drivers can be saved to a USB stick as well as burnt to DVD. But that's not to say I agree with removing the DVD drive, no matter how easy it is to hook up a USB drive as an alternative. It's a major barrier to any form of easily portable Windows gaming (e.g. LAN parties) where many games need the disk in the drive to work or a dodgy nodvd hack to get around it.
Ofcom maps state of UK broadband

results skewed slightly by Virgin's "high" speeds?
Bristol second? Where I live, any of those areas marked as the worst would be an improvement for me. However, a few streets away where Virgin have cable, I could be ticking along with 50Mbps. That's going to skew the average for my area just a bit when for those of us on ADSL, 4Mbps is something we aspire to.
Boffins fix dead satellite using 'dirty hack' in space
'Lion' Apple Mac OS X 10.7: Sneak Preview
Intel, AMD in HP notebook smackdown
Ten... Core i5 laptops
Fourth Euro star truck christened Albert Einstein
You can't breathe pure oxygen, it'll kill you.
Not true, on Mercury, Gemini and Apollo, they used a pure oxygen atmosphere in space, but at a partial pressure of 5lb/sq in (equivalent to the same density of Oxygen on earth).
When doing a plugs out test on Apollo 1, the capsule had to be positively pressurised, therefore the pressure of the oxygen was greater than atmospheric. Under those conditions, some otherwise benign substances will burn fiercely, although the crew were in their space suits and on a different breathing loop.
Steve Ballmer window-dresses Windows 8
iPhone 5 design drawings spied on web
how about...
the screen is the same size and the surround has been shrunk due to adding the band around the outside? This way the overall dimensions of the phone remain the same, thereby not upsetting people who have cradles, cases, etc for the iPhone 4.
Then again, since when did Apple care about change the design?
Mole points to April iOS 5.0 outing
Re: 3G
I'd expect them to drop support for the 3G in iOS5. Based on their track record, only the new model and previous year's model (iPhone 4 in this case) have had full functionality from the new OS, the year before that (3GS) has had limited functionality improvements and support for the year before that has been dropped.
I'm basing this on them dropping support for the original iPhone in iOS4 and the 3G only having limited enhancements.
Ofcom demands ISPs close 'upto' gap
xDSL kit deployed
1) Depends on whether we are talking contention speed or sync rate. I was referring to sync rate.
2) That's only true if the exchange is unbundled. My exchange serves a population of around 20,000 people and several large businesses and the only unbundled ISPs we have are Orange (since their HQ is located here), C&W and Talk Talk. Pretty poor choice really.

Ofcom blaming the wrong people?
I can accept Ofcom having a go at the ISPs over their advertising terms, but I think it's a bit unfair for them to have a go at them over the actual speeds achievable. Only two companies have any control over that - Virgin if you are on cable and BT if you are on ADSL. Since they seem to be bashing the ADSL ISPs more for their poor connection speeds, it strikes me that Ofcom are aiming at the wrong target and should be beating up BT over sticking with ancient copper wires to the home.
Apple to launch queue-jumping service for little people
Apple brands Intel 'Light Peak' as Thunderbolt
Massive US rocket sends top-secret cargo into space
polar orbit
The launches from Vandenberg were intended to be into polar orbit and are typically spy satellites, as the Earth rotates underneath the orbiting satellite - the idea being a spy satellite in such an orbit would eventually cover the entire Earth's surface.
A polar orbit launch would end up over the Pacific Ocean, as the launch vehicle heads north/south while the earth continues to rotate underneath. This is the reason the shuttle needed such large wings - in case it to abort from a Californian launch, it would need cross-range ability to get back to an American runway to land. Less commercially sensitive launches from Florida were less of an issue, as the shuttle would be intended to land in Europe.
US woman @theashes stumped by cricketing tweets
Sophos debuts freebie antivirus scanner for Macs
Apple releases iOS 4.1 into the wild
Superslim iPhone 4 enough to fend off Android?
Windows 3.0 turns 20
Workbench aspect ratio
In defence of the aspect ratio used for Workbench, it was designed to be used with a TV as a monitor, not a dedicated monitor. All the icons could be replaced with versions in the correct aspect ratio and it could then be run at 640x480, which looked fine (see MagicWB and Newicons for examples of icon replacement). Workbenches prior to 2 looked pretty bad, with a very garish colour scheme, but 2.0 onwards could look pretty darn nice with a decent monitor and some tweaking.
Missing Soviet nuclear electrocar FOUND ON MOON
Pinhead Mac Trojan sticks it to fanbois
wrong term used?
"Considering one can essentially disprove security through obscurity"
[pedantic] Security through obscurity is a term that applies to closed source environments (e.g. Windows). I think you mean security through minority, where the market share isn't worth targetting with malware. [/pedantic]
try looking on the Apps disc that comes with every mac
"Odd you say that, mine and my old man's did come with it, but when I installed 10.6 from scratch, iPhoto had magically vanished."
iPhoto is not on the OSX install disc, it comes on the second DVD that you should have received with your Mac.
Mozilla betas Flash flak jacket with 'Lorentz'
Ubisoft undone by anti-DRM DDoS storm
T-Orange merger approved
Virgin to offer 100Mb/s broadband by year's end
Vodafone Ireland admits pocketing dormant PAYG cash
Because each mobile operator has a finite amount of HLR capacity and it costs money to run kit that's only being used for dormant accounts (support costs, air conditioning, floor space, electricity, etc). Then there's the cost of buying capacity for new customers (which typically amounts to hardware and then a license fee on top for each customer provisioned).
Why pay all that when you can turf people off the network after 9 months of inactivity and re-use the space gained?