Voyager has been out there screwing around for 35 years and hasn't found one alien civilization. What a joke. I want the nearly $1000 the project cost us plus the $75 they spent on that stupid gold record. What were they thinking sending a record into space? It makes us look like a bunch of waiting-to-be enslaved, pre-iPod cavemen. As soon as that lazy little probe gets it act together, aliens will be headed our way to rape our animals and eat our women- using that gold record like a freaking menu. Probably wearing Sony Walkmen listening to 80s music. Great. Thanks, NASA. Oh yeah, and unlike the drones we send into hostile environments on Earth, Voyager is UNARMED. We are doomed. Unless these aliens underestimate our capabilities based upon that record. Then we will enslave THEM with HD TV and hybrid cars. Maybe the NASA boys (and that one girl is name Dale who looks like a dude) are actually brilliant.