actually the options are
normal cabin with plug
extra seats with emergency exit
14 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Feb 2010
actually a dutch judge has just heared a case from the the copyright maffia v a new company that wants to sell second hand e books
the maffia lost, of at least did not win as the judge said that it is not clear if the rules for paper books are also valid for e books, so the company can go on with reselling
that most of you activities on google are attached to a unique identifier, you could (and will) change ip but once it knows that is attached to that ip which at that time was given to an machine at 10 downing street you will never be unknown again. Yes you could wipe your pc go to a different location and get a new identifier but you 1 slip up and it is connected to you again
that while it is not difficult to find reasons to buy one it is difficult to find a use for it.
It does a lot but nothing better.
Sure you can read books, so can a kindle (at a third of the weight with al lot more batterytime) sure you can do email, so can my iphone and if you have a lot of email i'd buy a blackberry or a proper laptop. Which is what i'd do if i had to do any serious work anyway.
my iphone does most things better than the ipad (except video ) and has one thing the ipad can't which is make phonecalls.
video? the screen had the wrong size and does not do hd, a 65 euro mobile dvd player works bettter.
games? have played some, can't say i liked touch for anything buy cardgames, so a psp of ds would work better.
given the options i's rather have one of those 4g htc phones, if they make a version with a keyboard perfect
really scary
to be honest i don't care if a codec is open or closed source, at least not as much as if it works well. MS , google apple are all companies, the difference is that ms and apple are more interested in how much money the can make me pay and that google is interested in my private information
i can control how much money i spend but less and less how private my privacy is